網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - 失連[檔案相關]WinZip Pro 14.1 Build 8519 英文版
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標題: 失連[檔案相關]WinZip Pro 14.1 Build 8519 英文版 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 170
  發文 9
  註冊 2010-3-7
  狀態 離線
#1  失連[檔案相關]WinZip Pro 14.1 Build 8519 英文版

WinZip Pro 14.1 Build 8519 英文版

軟體名稱: Winzip
軟體分類: 解壓縮軟體
軟體大小: 13 MB
軟體版本: Pro 14
作業系統: Windows
語言界面: 英文
檔案空間: FS
解壓軟體: WinRAR 3.80
解壓密碼: iandd0284_by_FdZone.ORG
注意事項: 本軟體僅供適用,請於24小時內刪除本軟體,覺得好用請購買原版~嚴禁分流~

WinZip® is the most trusted way to work with compressed files. No othercompression utility is as easy-to-use or offers the comprehensive andproductivity-enhancing approach that has made WinZip the gold standardfor file-compression tools. With the new WinZip 12, you can quickly andsecurely zip and unzip files to conserve storage space, speed up e-mailtransmission, and reduce download times. State-of-the-art filecompression, strong AES encryption, compatibility with more compressionformats, and new intuitive photo compression, make WinZip 12 thecomplete compression and archiving solution.

Building on the favorite features of a worldwide base of severalmillion users, WinZip 12 adds new features for image compression andmanagement, support for new compression methods, improved compressionperformance, support for additional archive formats, and more. Userscan work faster, smarter, and safer.

Key Features:

Photo Compression, Management and Sharing
• New! Photo Compression compresses JPEG files by 20 to 25%
• New! Send Selected Files from a Zip file by email or to a new Zip file
• New! Resize Photos from a Zip file when sending by email or to a new Zip file
• Explorer View displays image thumbnails for easy browsing
• New! Zip from Camera Wizard with Auto-Rotate to quickly transfer, rotate and compress photos from supported cameras yes
• New! Rotate, Resize, and View full sized images directly from a Zip file

Compression Performance and Archive Compatibility
• New! LZMA compression for better performance on most files
• New! Photo Compression for JPEG files with no loss of photo quality or data integrity
• "Best" compression chooses compression method based on file type
• New! Open and Extract 7Z, IMG, and ISO files
• Open and Extract from RAR, BZ2, CAB, LHA and other archive files
• Create Zip (legacy and advanced) and LHA files
• Create and Read Zip files larger than 4GB

Built-in E-Mail, FTP, and CD/DVD Burning
• New! Zip and E-Mail Selected Files from an existing Zip file
• Quickly Create and Send Zip files with One-Click "Zip & E-Mail"
• Use Send To and send new and existing Zip files as e-mail attachments
• New! Zip and FTP Upload Selected Files from an existing Zip file
• FTP Upload new and existing Zip files
• Zip and Burn new and existing Zip files directly to CD and DVD

Encryption and Security
• FIPS-197 Certified AES Encryption (128- and 256-Bit)
• New! Password Policy control to set complexity requirements
• New! Encryption Method control to set or disable available encryption methods

Task Automation Capabilities
• Command Line Support (separate download)
• Predefined WinZip Jobs for data backup
• Create custom WinZip Jobs to automate routine Zip tasks
• Schedule WinZip Jobs to run automatically and unattended
• Email, FTP Upload or Burn to disk a Zip file on WinZip Job completion
• Email Log files on WinZip Job completion

Easy to Learn and Use
• New! Content-sensitive Smart View logically displays the files in a Zip file
• New! Save As, Rename, New Folder make it easier to manage Zip files
• New! Zip Properties graphically displays compression savings
• New! Encryption Column in Details View shows which files are encrypted
• Unicode support to display international characters for filenames in a Zip file
• Choice of interfaces - Wizard, Classic, Windows Shell Integration
• Split Zip File to make large Zip files manageable and fit on removable media
• Create Self-Extracting Archives with Self-Extractor Personal Edition
• CheckOut to temporarily extract Zip files and clean them up when done


[ Last edited by c099959 on 2011-5-14 at 05:05 PM ]

2010-3-16 12:47 PM
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