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標題: Japan garmin hiking Topo 10mt Plus V.3日文版日本10米等高線導航地圖-快樂試用版 [打印本頁]

作者: temp.last     時間: 2016-10-4 11:52 PM    標題: Japan garmin hiking Topo 10mt Plus V.3日文版日本10米等高線導航地圖-快樂試用版

適 用 區 域: 日本JAPAN
地 圖 版 本: GARMIN Japan hiking Topo map 10mt Plus V.3
Map      ID: 3612
版 本 語 言:日文
適 用 機 型: Garmin Devices,PC,PPCnuvi 2系列 / 2×5W系列 / 3系列 / 510 / 6系列 / 760 / 765 / 13系列 / 14系列/ 1690 / 24×5系列 / 25×5系列 / 3790T / 5000系列、GMXT、zumo 550
檔 案 大 小: 2.72GB
存 放 空 間: BAIDUYUN
檔 案 格 式:
解 壓 密 碼:

Topographic Features:
(Google translation)
The detailed topographic contour line data are made by Japan Geographical Survey Institute of Japan (Kokudo Chiri-in), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
The contour lines switch among 1000m, 500m, 100m, 50m, and 10m interval depending on your GPS map display scale.
From the mountain range: about 1,500 mountain "mountain and plateau map" was recorded in 59 books recorded all of the mountain range
Map version: Shobunsha latest edition 2014, GSI 2014 latest map data use
Road information: recorded 1/25000 level detailed road information that can be used fully in the city
Digital data: the planar map data are provided separately from the digital elevation data, so it is also possible to check the height difference of the three-dimensional terrain shading display and route in the graph.
Course points: about 15,000 interval of reference Kosutaimu and about 14,000 places of Kosutaimu point / about 700 locations of the ridge name data
Campsite data: campsite data of about 3,400 locations (including the auto-camping-camp)
Hut data: about 17,000 sites search for summit data / about 3,300 places of hut, horse, dangerous place, attention point.

链接:GARMIN Japan hiking Topo map 10mt Plus V.3 密码:g9hx



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[ Last edited by temp.last on 2016-12-18 at 02:59 PM ]

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