網際論壇 - 汽(機)車討論區 - [資訊] Official works R1200S
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標題: [資訊] Official works R1200S 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 14376
  發文 1343
  註冊 2006-3-20
  來自 ~視覺+技術的世界~
  狀態 離線
#1  [資訊] Official works R1200S

This is the first works road race bike to emerge from
BMW in 50 years – a prototype racer which will appear
at the Le Mans 24 hours next month.

Based on an R1200S, the prototype will race in the open
category at Le Mans, followed by appearances at the
Barcelona and Oschersleben 24 hour races and the
Bol d’Or.
It will be ridden by Stephan Mertens, Thomas Hinterreiter
and Rico Penskofer, with Marcus Barth as a back-up rider.
...here some more pics from testing at Le Mans! Interesting is the
3rd bike with blended in exhaust!! Could be a new HPs version of
the S

Track reports claim lap times are only 1 second off superbike times  

2007-4-2 11:43 AM
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