網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - 失連[系統工具] Windows 7 Loader V1.7.1 By Daz (x86 & x64)
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標題: 失連[系統工具] Windows 7 Loader V1.7.1 By Daz (x86 & x64) 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 39282
  發文 3512
  註冊 2008-8-20
  狀態 離線
#1  失連[系統工具] Windows 7 Loader V1.7.1 By Daz (x86 & x64)

【軟體名稱】:Windows 7 Loader V1.7.1 By Daz (x86 & x64)
【檔案大小】:1.03 MB
【放置空間】:RapidShare/ hotfile
Yeah, new Win7 activation toolkit. Just get yourself Windows 7 releases from GRP or WZT, choose one of the activation methods and you’re good to go. Read instructions first.

Input any Ultimate or Professional key (comes with 4 preset keys, I will add more for other versions when they are released)
Automatically finds an available drive letter (if required)

Installer and uninstaller built in as standard
Checks your Windows 7 version and build before install
Automatically finds your active boot partition (May work on Dell PC's)
Should work on all languages (Tested on simplified Chinese)
Should work with hidden partitions
Works on Windows 7 Ultimate and Professional editions
Support for bios modded users
Can activate Windows Vista SP2
Improves Windows 7 boot time on a Mac (Compared to other loaders)

* Removed window transparency to fix a Windows 7 artifacts bug and improve responsiveness on older systems using onboard graphics
* Improved the "Custom menu.lst" loader option. It will now show all people using this setting the GRUB menu at system startup
* Upgraded some certificates to version 2.1
* Added a new GRLDR version (0.96) from zsmin (custom edition for my program)
* Added external SLIC support (read "How to add support.txt" for more info)
* Added support for BenQ and Sony machines
* Added support for Windows 7 Starter Edition
* Added various new OEM SLP serials

Windows 7 Loader V1.7.1 By Daz (x86 & x64)

Windows 7 Loader V1.7.1 By Daz (x86 & x64)

確保下載的軟體能正常使用,請使用 WinRAR 3.90 Final 版本解壓

[ Last edited by c099959 on 2011-5-10 at 06:13 PM ]

2009-10-22 03:37 PM
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  積分 3629
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  註冊 2005-11-9
  來自 台北
  狀態 離線

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  積分 488
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  註冊 2006-1-25
  狀態 離線


2009-10-22 08:29 PM
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  積分 569
  發文 128
  註冊 2006-11-13
  狀態 離線


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