網際論壇 - 網路與多媒體 - [影音相關] AIMP 2.5 Build 297 RC4_多語_便攜式
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標題: [影音相關] AIMP 2.5 Build 297 RC4_多語_便攜式 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 39282
  發文 3512
  註冊 2008-8-20
  狀態 離線
#1  [影音相關] AIMP 2.5 Build 297 RC4_多語_便攜式

【軟體名稱】:AIMP 2.5 Build 297 RC4_多語_便攜式
【檔案大小】:3.57 MB

Changes in AIMP v2.50 (11.05.2008):
+ BASS v2.4 engine
+ New PluginController
+ New abilities for Addon-plugins
+ Ability to add your owen bookmarks to options
+ Ability to wirk with playlist's Save/Load functions
+ Advanced playlist's abilities
+ New HotKey Manager
+ Ability to set both global and local keys for all functions
+ Improved Multimedia keys working
+ New DSP Engine
+ Logarithmic volume control added
+ Sound normalization filter added
+ Channel reversing filter added (for stereo only)
+ Voice removing filter added
+ Silence skip (then playing) filter added
+ Stereo Enhancer filter added (for stereo only)
+ Improved work with Winamp DSP
+ New Winamp Input Wrapper
+ New SkinsEngine
+ Added ability to add buttons / ńheck box / scrollbars
+ Added ability to align elements with "centre"
+ Added ability to align text in labels
+ Programm's code optimization

Audio Library
+ Quick search in grouping tree
+ Ability to choose table column's position
+ New DB service menu
+ New library interface
+ Quick navigation panel
+ FLAC / APE support
+ Expanded fusion with player
+ Saving relative file paths from removable drives

+ Programm's code optimization
+ m3u8 playlists support
+ The playlist name becomes folder name if folder added
+ Scrolling playlist bookmarks by mouse wheel
+ Data caching reduced
+ Load / Save playlist's operations accelerated
+ Automatic sort playlist function with window "Playlist Customization"

+ Ability of autosaving playlists with the path it was opened from (previously it was saving to the profile folder)
+ Ability to use "if" statement in string masks
+ Genres are ordered by name
+ "Stop" button blinking then option "Stoped after track played" is on
+ MIDI / MOD files play options
+ Displaying of true track names instead of signs "next / previous file" on navigation buttons
+ Displaying of player status in tray hint
+ Ability to order code table to none-Unicode strings
+ Patching of function "copy to folder" - "recent folders" list added
+ New play / capture Internet-radio unit
+ New settings screen ergonomics
+ Main windows transparency settings extended
+ New Quick Tag Editor
+ Copy data to buffer button added
+ Copy file to buffer button added
+ Autofill tags function from file name / file's path
+ New design
+ New bookmarks manager
+ View preference
+ Extended search
+ Ability to set lists for file search
+ Displaying of file number in order

Audio Converter
+ New converter engine
+ Switched on command-line coders
+ New interface
+ FLAC, AAC, MPC/MP+ added

Advanced Tag Editor
+ Programm's code optimization
+ Added AutoTag function
+ New interface
+ Ability to set cover to several files
+ Ability to remove tags of several files
Homepage - http://www.aimp.ru



2008-9-23 10:36 PM
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  積分 2432
  發文 396
  註冊 2005-9-5
  狀態 離線


2008-9-25 09:37 PM
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