網際論壇 - PC GAME - Panzer Commander
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標題: Panzer Commander 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 2284
  發文 101
  註冊 2005-9-7
  狀態 離線
#1  Panzer Commander

In Panzer Commander, the players can play selected missions or participate in one of six campaigns, each of which consists of a series of linked missions, the outcome of which will determine the course of the campaign. Players can play on either side and are given a selection of Axis and Allied tanks. Successful players are given command of a platoon of tanks. In Panzer General 2, players fight on the Living Battlefield. Featuring the heightened realism of hand-rendered maps--30 battlefields that are faithful to the real ones of WWII--the Living Battlefield also showcases detailed combat units. Battles rage through World War II's eastern and western fronts, northern Africa, and even the continental United States. Will you fight as a Wehrmacht officer, or perhaps lead your comrades in the Soviet Army? You may want to hit the beaches at Salerno and Normandy as an American or British general. No matter which path you choose, you will need all your skills to triumph.

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2013-11-17 10:17 AM
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