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標題: [系統工具]Devolutions Remote Manager Enterprise Edition (RAR@MB@多 ... 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 5736
  發文 518
  註冊 2011-4-12
  狀態 離線
#1  [系統工具]Devolutions Remote Manager Enterprise Edition (RAR@MB@多空間)

【檔案名稱】:Devolutions Remote Manager Enterprise Edition

Remote Desktop Manager is a product used to manage all your remote connections and virtual machines. Add, edit, delete, share, organize and find your remote connection quickly.

It offers built-in support for Microsoft Remote Desktop, Terminal Services, VNC, LogMeIn, Team Viewer, Ftp, SSH, Telnet, Dameware, X Window, VMware, Virtual PC, PC Anywhere, Hyper-V, Citrix, Radmin, Microsoft Remote Assistance, Oracle Virtual Box and more.

Enterprise Edition:

* Share your remote connection settings inside a company database.
* Save your credentials and passwords in a database.
* Monitor user activities with the database logs.
* Faster and more secure solution.
* Available in single license, multiple licenses pack, global license or site license.

Features Highlight:

Automatic Login
Remote Desktop Manager simplifies connection management by facilitating the automatic login of several types of sessions:

* Remote Desktop (RDP)
* Citrix (ICA / HDX)
* LogMeIn
* Web site (IE and embedded Firefox)
* Putty
* TeamViewer
* Ftp
* Dameware Mini Remote

It's possible to save the credentials locally, in a the database or in an external application (LastPass, KeePass, ...). These parameters may be limited or completely hidden from your employees to establish a secure login. They will be able to access the machine without compromising its security.

Share Session Settings Between Multiple Users
Use of the Standard Edition is ideal when you do not need to share your sessions with your colleagues, but when it's not the case, then the Enterprise Edition is better suited to your needs.

By using the SQL Server or Remote Desktop Manager Online data source, the application can operate efficiently and securely in a multi-user environment. With the user specific settings, each user can apply his own credentials if he want to override the default configuration.

There are also many other features, such as audit trail sessions and network management that are necessary for efficient helpdesk or internal IT team.

Advanced Data Source Support
In addition of Xml and Microsoft Access data source included in the Standard edition, the Enterprise edition offers better alternative data sources like:

* Amazon S3 hosting
* Dropbox
* Remote Desktop Manager Online
* SQL Server
* Web

The SQL Server data source includes many advanced feature like the user management, support for attachments, connection log table and offline mode. It's also well suited for a multi-user environment requiring a secure and reliable database.

Integrated Password Managers
Many people already have their username and password stored in another tool. Some of them prefer to keep their original tools and use them in synergy with Remote Desktop Manager.

By integrating many different password manager, Remote Desktop Manager provides more flexibility and security options for automatic login.

The list of supported application is:

* KeePass
* 1Password
* LastPass
* FireFox and Chrome built-in password manager
* Windows Credential Manager
* Password Vault Manager
* Password Safe

Security Management
The SQL Server data source includes an easy interface to manage user security rights.

By creating and using build-in user or domain users, Remote Desktop Manager can partially or completely restrict access to a specific session or a subset assigned to a security group.

It's also possible to setup the database encryption with a specific pass-phrase to provide a greater protection of personal information. By applying the included security policy regarding the password management, Remote Desktop Manager ensure that the access to the sensitive data is limited and secure.

A Better Way to Organize your Sensitive Information
Secure, organize and store all of your sensitive data while granting access to specified people and keeping everyone else locked out. Enjoy built-in support for

* Credentials (username and password),
* Credit card information,
* Bank information,
* Alarm codes for you and your staff,
* Software license keys / serials,
* Any other texts and documents.

Plus, our add-on framework lets you extend the application to fit all of your needs.

Custom Installer Service (with subscription)
The Custom Installer Service allows you to generate and download custom installations of Remote Desktop Manager with a choice of preconfigured settings like a data source or a registration key.

You can also choose to download the installer as a Windows Installer (MSI file) or as an executable (EXE file).

Many of our customers use the data source as centralized data store to organize all the information about their customers or their machines. With the attachment functionality, they can include many different types of external files such as:

* Network diagram
* Agreements
* Support incident
* And more

The files are linked per session and they share the same security access.

Anytime and Anywhere Cloud File Browser
Rapidly, transparently and securely add, edit or share your content “in the cloud” through the new built-in Cloud Explorer session type, which includes support for:

* Amazon S3
* DropBox
* Microsoft Azure Storage

Database Connection Log
The SQL Server data source keeps track of every action performed on a session directly into a centralized database. This included a change, deletion or opening / closing of a session.

Using the tools available, the administrator can monitor, verify and even analyze the time spent by its employees for a specific client or on a particular machine. This is very useful to generate a timesheet which will serve for billing.

Real-Time Connection Overview
Know exactly who is connected in real-time for several types of sessions, including RDP, Team Viewer, embedded Putty and more. Also verify if a user has connected, and receive a warning just before connection. All connection information is clearly presented on the dashboard for easy at-a-glance viewing.

Template Creation and Usages
Remote Desktop Manager provides a local and shared template engine. A template contains a subset of information that can be reused in the application to simplify management.

Templates can be used to:

* Add a Quick Connect connection type in the list
* Add new session in the data source with preset settings
* Import multiple sessions (from the wizard or a list) with default session type values

Offline Mode
The offline mode allows you to access the database in read-only, even when you're not connected to the office.

You do not need a VPN connection, Remote Desktop Manager handles it for you when it detects a connection failure. This feature is very useful for people on the road or working from home.

Batch Edit
Over time, the contents of the data source is increasing rapidly and then comes a time where multiple session changes are required.

Using the batch editing feature, these changes can be made in few seconds. Remote Desktop Manager will prompt a dialog to change multiple settings simultaneously.

It is faster than editing them one at a time in addition to avoiding the inconsistency between them.

Integrated Data Report Viewer
Stop worrying about lost reports or waste time extracting information from your database. The improved Data Report View lets you retrieve and export data in a grid regardless of the target database.

Import Sessions from Other Applications
If you already use another remote connection management tool, Remote Desktop Manager allows you to easily import sessions. The application tries to keep the maximum of data including the password if it's possible to extract it from the original configuration. There are many applications supported by default and by installing one of our free import add-on.

Here is a list of supported applications:

* Boztech VNCScan
* Filezilla (add-on)
* Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager
* mRemote
* Terminals
* VisionApp Remote Desktop
* Keepass
* WinSCP (add-on)

Powerful Session Script Tools
New integrated management tools empower you to run specific commands, actions or scripts to one or more workstations via Command Line and PSExec (PSTools). In addition, you can now configure a template to initiate a remote session by merging parameters from the template and the original configuration.

Plus, for even more communication control, a dialog is now available to import any interesting script shared among your community, which can be installed by a manager in a single click.

Install notes:
- After installing and starting the program window will appear
- Select 'Enterprise Edition'
- Paste data from a file serial.txt
- Click on OK -> OK

required Net Framework 2.0 or later and Client Remote Desktop

screen after installation:

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2011-10-23 06:41 PM
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