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標題: [影片] 2008 Audi R8 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 42537
  發文 1892
  註冊 2005-8-31
  狀態 離線
#1  [影片] 2008 Audi R8

September 6, 2006 - Outwardly based on the Le Mans concept car released at the 2003 Frankfurt Motor Show, the new R8 is set to take advantage of Audi's immense motorsport program and put them on the supercar map for the first time.
The R8 uses FSI direct injection pioneered by the LeMans racecar its named after, but accually shares more in common with the Lamborghini Gallardo.
As our pictures reveal an R8 parading in and around the Nurburgring with little or no camo, its Lamborghini underpinnigs are instantly obvious. Audi haven't even replaced the standard-spec Gallardo wheels. Just how much the R8 and Gallardo have in common is anyone's guess, but both take advantage of Audi's all aluminium construction
Mostly likely the R8 will be powered by a tuned version of the Audi RS4 V8 that will produce 420 bhp. If this is true Audi will place it right below the Gallardo in the market, and put it in direct competition with the Porsche 911 and Aston Martin V8 Vantage. We would prefer to see the Gallardo V10 installed instead, as this would make the Audi so much more rewarding. Only time will tell.
R8 will make its official debut at the 2006 Paris Motor Show and will be sold in Spring 2007 to both in Europe and America for around $120 000 USD.
Story by Richard Owen for Supercars.net



[ Last edited by 強強 on 2006-12-15 at 09:19 AM ]

2006-9-12 05:54 PM
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