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標題: Day and drink a rainy day. 下雨天喝酒天 [打印本頁]

作者: 葉銘村     時間: 2013-4-10 09:00 PM    標題: Day and drink a rainy day. 下雨天喝酒天

Day and drink a rainy day. 下雨天喝酒天
: Yeh Ming Village   R.O.C101.8. 11作者: 葉銘村  中華民國101 年8 月11 日

The summer nights slim light rain夏夜纖細微雨
Dripping   every note滴落  每一個音符
Falling   every corner飄落  每一個角落
Bounce back from peach leaf再從桃葉上彈回來
The sound echoed in the night聲聲迴盪在暗夜

Open a bottle of sake開一瓶台灣清酒
Wine attracted Quartet wandering drunk poetic soul酒香引來四方漂泊的酒鬼詩魂
Poems   Taiwan drinking boxing吟詩  劃台灣酒拳
Rising and falling with each other相互此起彼落
Say olden Memory Road to make to bitterness說古昔記憶道盡來時辛酸

Did   this cup sake乾了  這杯清酒
Summon lost souls召喚迷失的靈魂
The voice of words   float in the air in the light rain心聲話  飄灑在微雨
In addition to sake with wine boxing除了清酒配著台灣酒拳
The nothingness of years just tormenting memory虛無的歲月只是在折磨記憶
So barren years go就這樣讓歲月荒蕪下去

Smug wine飄飄然的酒香
Attracted the Quartet wandering drunk poetic soul引來四方漂泊的酒鬼詩魂
Quiet moment來這裡沉靜片刻
Tonight a drink今夜來喝一杯
I do not know how much to drink sake不知喝了多少清酒
Oh,   that wine is dry it呵   那把清酒都乾了吧

Tonight   all-inclusive crazy soul今夜  包容所有的瘋狂靈魂
Quiet moment來這裡沉靜片刻
Let them meditation borderless roaming任由他們沉思無邊漫遊
Wait until sober With force等到酒醒有了力量
And then waft out再飄蕩出去

Hey   alcoholics哎  酒鬼們
The Sake slowly drink清酒慢慢地喝
Amazing stamina後勁驚人
Tonight light rain to get rid of the今夜微雨改不掉的是
Rainy days drinking habits下雨天喝酒天的習慣

Nothingness years在虛無的歲月
Walk the road of life走著人生的道路
An old friend, but one by one to leave老友卻一個個離去
Tonight   on an all-encompassing ghosts今夜  就包容所有的孤魂野鬼
Say olden Memory Road to make to bitterness說古昔記憶道盡來時辛酸
Hey oh哎對喔
Is the seventh lunar month of the已是農曆七月了

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