覺得很不好用...在服務裡面找不到項目...沒停用應該會耗系統資源吧?所以想把它停用。作者: young 時間: 2008-10-11 06:28 PM 控制台→系統管理工具→服務→在右變窗口選
IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service→啟動類型→選〔已停用〕作者: bko 時間: 2008-10-11 08:17 PM 你說的是 XP 系統的, Vista 的服務中沒有這一項。作者: sodown 時間: 2008-10-11 11:21 PM 英文說明,希望你看得懂!
Disable CD Burning in Vista (停用Vista中的燒錄功能)
In Vista, you can't disable the CD Burning feature from the Property page of a device.
By Group Policy:
1. run gpedit.msc
2. go to [User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Explorer]
3. double click [Remove CD Burning Features], choose [Enable]
By Registry:
1. run cmd.exe as administrator
2. reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v NoCDBurning /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f