網址: http://hyperastro.gter.biz/mfh/作者: 狼子 時間: 2009-3-1 03:49 PM 對不起大大您提共的連結不能用了囉!作者: hypersuper 時間: 2009-3-7 09:50 AM http://fast.twgg.org作者: 水兒 時間: 2010-1-18 06:26 PM TWBBS.ORG
Your IP is:
1. 子網域尚未指向任何網頁,或 DNS 未設定
2. DNS 設定完成,但是系統尚未自動更新(約兩小時自動更新一次)
3. 子網域已經過期,擁有者尚未使用"續用"功能繼續使用
4. 子網域並不存在
Thie subdomain you are looking for is not setup or did not yet take effect.
1. the subdomain is not setup at all, or DNS is not well configured
2. The DNS configuration did not take effect yet (System automatically updates every 2 hours)
3. The subdoamin is expired and the owner did not "renew" it yet
4. The subdomain does not exist