A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer
If this is the first time youve seen this stop error screen , restart your computer.
If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.
If this is a new installion, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows
Updates you might need.
If problems continue disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software.
Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe
mode to remove or disable components , restart your computer ,press F8 to select
advanced startup options, and then select safe modle.
Beginning dump of physical memory. physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance.作者: jauascript 時間: 2007-3-1 09:29 PM 那插滑鼠會嗎?
如果是會可能是usb故障作者: john0404 時間: 2007-3-2 08:34 PM 謝謝 jauascript 大大的回復。
我的NB共有三個USB插槽,我嘗試輪流測試,當機情況還是照常發生,另外滑鼠移至任一USB插槽都可正常使用;之前我的OS 是Window Server 2003 沒有這個問題發生,過年前一個月因故將它改成XP後,才開始發生問題,因此曾懷疑硬體相沖,但對這些真的一點都不懂:所以才想在網路上找答案。希望jauascript 大大及各位先進再提供高見,謝謝各位!!