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標題: [中文化工具] Sisulizer 1.6.22 企業版 [打印本頁]

作者: yoyo007     時間: 2008-3-22 08:28 PM    標題: [中文化工具] Sisulizer 1.6.22 企業版

[軟體名稱] Sisulizer 1.6.22 企業版
[軟體語言] 繁體中文
[檔案大小] 20.2 MB (21,215,697 位元組)
[存放空間] RapidShare
[軟體簡介] 免安裝


Sisulizer 跟 Heaven 兄翻譯的 Multilizer 軟體本地化工具相似;您只要三個步驟:掃瞄應用程式來源並定位好文字;使用 Sisulizer 的視覺化編輯工具翻譯;組建本地化目標,即可完成軟體本地化,具體的操作說明請參閱:

帖子: #6 樓。


1. 修正了一些翻譯;非修改自官方的繁體中文語言檔;翻譯謬誤處,請不吝指正,謝謝。

2. 基於使用者的選擇權利,在底下增加了官方的繁體中文語言檔載點,請自行挑選使用。

3. 軟體已綠化,所需的資料也內嵌在壓縮檔裡頭了,下載後解壓到任意位置,執行 [Sisulizer.exe] 即可;您可以在 [工具 -> 設定 -> 附加元件] 中,設定檔案關聯,其它細部選項,請自行配置。

其實官方已有 HULEN 兄做的中文化了,之所以再做是因為長久翻譯 SL 下來,已經習慣了自己做的中文化,並不是官方的中文化不好或怎樣;為了避免不必要的誤會,特此說明一下。



--- New features ---

•Norwegian (Bokmål) translations added.
•HTML: title attribute of area scan will be scanned.
•You can backup old lines of Output pane and browse those afterwards.
•VCL: You can choose to scan inherited forms also hierarchically as tree.

--- Bug fixes ---

•If Excel sheet to imported contained some empty cells in the begining of the first column after header row importing caused an error.
•.NET: Items inside group box were shown tool low in visual editor.
•.NET: If assembly file name was not AssemblyFile.?? Sisulizer failed to read the correct assembly file version.
•.NET: If Visual Studio project file contains localized Chinese resource files (e.g Form.zh-CHS.resx) Sisulizer did not ignore them but handled them as separate resource and scanned them.
•Add component mapping generated a "an not focus hidden component".
•Scanning and iporting from a multilingual PE-file (e.g. .exe or .dll) did not work correctly. The first language resource was always scanned or imported.
•HTML Help: Some content files (.hhc) used /> in the end of param tag. Sisulizer failed to scan these.
•HTML Help: Alias and map information was not correctly written to localized .chm files.
•.NET: Sisulizer failed to scan assemblies compiled by C++.


--- New features ---

•Czech and Slovak translations added.

--- Bug fixes ---

•.NET: Project Wiard did not let to localize .resx file that name eneded *.??[?].resx. For example One.Two.vv.resx or One.Two.v3.resx were not shown.
•Ini: If a file contains two or more section with the same name Sisulizer handled them as a single section.
•.NET: Map component dialog crashed when opened in 1.6.20.
•Text: If one record contained more than one string Sisulizer extracted only the last one.
•Text: Regular expressions did not always worked if they were used in before item.
•Importing text data that contained null characters failed.
•Case os JSP functions will not be changed.
•VCL: Building auto sized and right justified TLabel controls.
•VCL: Opening menu of TForm chrashed if it contains images and image type was excluded.


--- Bug fixes ---

•Importing data from Excel in context sensitive way did not import anything.
•HTMLHelp: Importing from Help Help file (.chm) did not work.
•HTMLHelp: Sisulizer did not scan the index data of CHM file that has been compiled for 1.0 compability.
•HTML: if you had for example "Hello world <span>good day." as original and you copied it to translation using "Copy Original to Translation" command, Sisulizer copied "Hello world <span>good day.</span>". Notice the extra ending </span> tag. Now no extra tags will be added.
•Relative paths keep as they were if you edit the project file on some other path or computer. For exmple on a translators machine.
•VCL: A Label with AutoSize = True and Alignment = taRightJustify can be resized and moved correctly.


--- Bug fixes ---

•.NET: Is .NET project contained other resource file but .resx (e.g. .xafml) and a solution file (.sln) was added to Sisulizer project the building failed.
•.NET: 1.6.18 could not build localized assembly files if you did not have either .NET SDK 3.x or Visual Studio 2008 installed.
•JSP: white spaces will not be touched.
•Importing data from Excel in context sensitive way did not import anything.



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CODE:  [Copy to clipboard]

PS. 請注意:

如軟體需特殊文件,而您只下不回的話,那不好意思,即使您 PM 向我詢問,我也會學您當個潛水者,不予回應,請別怪我,這本是禮尚往來,大家互相,所以,敬請各位大大保持論壇的良好風氣,養成有下有回的網路禮儀,謝謝您的配合 !!

作者: 2Heaven     時間: 2008-3-22 08:53 PM
上官網看. 其實 Multilizer v7 也有從舊檔匯入的功能.
網路上的 XX機 只有將其註冊成企業版.
殊不知至少還要有 Align Importer 和 .net Assemblies 才算完整.

Align price is 200 EUR.

原本還想翻個一次 v7 看看. 不玩了...
以後改用 SL 與 PA 配合著用.....
作者: a2213572     時間: 2008-3-22 09:17 PM
感謝yoyo 大大分享!
Sisulizere 的功能愈來愈強.搜尋功能這部份稍弱!
與Passolo 搭配使用真是絕配!
作者: xp20060726     時間: 2008-3-22 09:37 PM    標題: 感謝您提供的分享!

感謝啦 !!!
作者: khiav     時間: 2008-3-22 09:47 PM

Originally posted by 2Heaven at 2008-3-22 08:53 PM:
上官網看. 其實 Multilizer v7 也有從舊檔匯入的功能.
網路上的 XX機 只有將其註冊成企業版.
殊不知至少還要有 Align Importer 和 .net Assemblies 才算完整.

[co ...

Multilizer v7 的版本好像很多人用不順手....
作者: yoyo007     時間: 2008-3-22 10:43 PM

Originally posted by 2Heaven at 2008-3-22 20:53:

原本還想翻個一次 v7 看看. 不玩了...
以後改用 SL 與 PA 配合著用.....

經典的一個就受用無窮了,例如 6.1.27 在我心裡就是一個永恆。

Heaven 兄接下來的目標是 ...!?

作者: osk     時間: 2008-3-22 11:51 PM
這個"Sisulizer 中文化工具"偶而一用...感覺還不錯..^^
感謝 版兄 無私分享  ^^
作者: e722146     時間: 2008-3-22 11:56 PM
作者: 2Heaven     時間: 2008-3-23 11:30 AM

Originally posted by khiav at 2008-3-22 09:47 PM:
Multilizer v7 的版本好像很多人用不順手....

那麼差不多會順手多了 ^^
Multilizer v7 是將眾多匯入的功能給模組化.
說是藉以擴充功能. 但我看來是藉機收錢.
單就 Align(校準) 授權就要 200 歐元.

Originally posted by yoyo007 at 2008-3-22 10:43 PM:

經典的一個就受用無窮了,例如 6.1.27 在我心裡就是一個永恆。

Heaven 兄接下來的目標是 ...!?

Multilizer v6 有時會出槌... 改用 SL 就好了...

作者: ddm5     時間: 2008-3-23 10:03 PM

作者: hong01     時間: 2008-3-24 02:12 AM
我的心得分享:當別種軟體換圖片不成功時(會無法開啟時)用:Sisulizer 有時會成功!
Sisulizer 是與Multilizer輪流交叉使用
作者: benleung     時間: 2008-3-24 06:44 PM
作者: t7yang     時間: 2008-3-25 01:04 AM
完全佩服 呵呵
作者: 小露     時間: 2008-3-25 08:53 PM
好東西 推推~~
作者: guppy0315     時間: 2008-3-26 11:03 PM
感謝版主的好心好意 ^^  我先收下研讀嚕^^

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