--- Bug fixes ---
•.NET: Sisulizer show correctly System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel control and its child controls.
--- New features ---
•Block exclude tags added to source code localization.
•.NET: Items in the .resx can be shown sorted (default) or unsorted on the project.
•"Whole words only" in Find, Replace and Filter dialogs.
•SlMake: fillpseudo and removepseudo tasks added.
--- Bug fixes ---
•VCL.NET: Writing localized .resx file did not use language cascading properly (fi-FI-Savo -> fi-FI -> fi -> en).
•Windows RC: FILEDATA items can be excluded just like all other resource types.
•VCL: If original property (Left for example) was under 128 and the translation over 128 the was a overflow in a integer nubers. In those cases the new translated value will be written as 16-bits signend value or even as 32-bits if neccessary.
•VB: Building VB project on language using different code page as the computer's system code page caused invalid strings to the localized forms.
•Windows binary: Icon and cursor images scanned only after the second scanning. |