【書 名】:計算機組成與設計:硬件
【原書書名】:Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, RISC-V Edition
【作 者】:David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy
【書 名】:IT 之火:計算機技術與社會、法律和倫理
【原書書名】:A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing Technology
【作 者】:Sara Baase, Timothy M. Henry
【書 名】:吉規模集成電路互連工藝及設計
【原書書名】:Interconnect Technology and Design for Gigascale Integration
【作 者】:Jeffrey A. Davis, James D. Meindl
【書 名】:第三代移動網絡中的多播通信:服務、機制、性能
【原書書名】:Multicast in Third-Generation Mobile Networks: Services, Mechanisms and Performance
【作 者】:Robert Rummler, Alexander Gluhak, A. Hamid Aghvami