常用的 Windows、DOS 系統工具大全集,包括從磁碟分割、複製、防毒、資料救援、硬體檢測到硬碟維護、DOS 和 Windows 應用軟體方面的一張開機光碟,讓你一碟在手搞定各種電腦。
Hiren's Boot CD 是一套開機光碟,其包含各式各樣的診斷程式,例如:磁碟分割、系統效能測試、磁碟複製以及映像工具、資料救援工具、MBR 工具、BIOS 工具以及許多其他修復不同電腦問題的工具。它是可開機光碟; 因此即使在無法進入作業系統的情況下仍可使用。Hiren's Boot CD 具有軟體的詳盡清單。此光碟還擁有像 XPE 的功能可讓您在作業系統故障的情況下藉由此光碟開機模擬 XP 作業系統來拯救自己所需的重要資料。
Hiren's BootCD - 合而為一的 DOS 開機光碟擁有底下這些工具程式: 磁碟分割工具、磁碟複製工具、防毒工具、復原修復工具、復原修復工具、測試工具硬碟工具等等...
+ Ammyy Admin 2.13: For remote computer access, desktop sharing, file transfer, voiceconnect remote computer. TeamViewer 5.1.9192: Access any remote computer via Internet just like sitting in front of it, even through firewalls (Windows Freeware).
+ DiskGenius 3.2: Restore deleted partition, Rebuild MBR, Rebuild partition table, Recover files, Restore formatted partition, Backup files by partition, Disk clone, Backup partition table, Create/Delete/Format Partitions etc. (Windows Shareware).
+ IsoBuster 2.8: CD/DVD/Blu-ray and Disk Image File data recovery tool that can read and extract files, tracks and sessions from CD-i, VCD, SVCD, CD-ROM, CD-ROM XA, DVD, DVCD BD and HD DVD and other media as well as a wide variety of disk image formats, it also has retry-mechanisms for damaged CD/DVD (Windows Shareware).
+ Seagate DiscWizard 11.8326: Backup drive/partition to an image file, for Seagate owners (Powered by Acronis TrueImage).
+ WinMerge Differencing and merging tool which can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy to understand and handle (Windows Freeware).
+ WinNTSetup Install Windows 2k/XP/2003 x86/x64 from USB/CD under PE/LiveXp, allows you to apply tweaks and choose driveletter for the new Windows installation (Windows Freeware).