Changes in Net Transport 2.96 (Dec 17, 2010):
1. Added UPnP indicator in the status bar.
2. Added support for the regular RTMP URL.
3. Enhanced RTMP Encryption protocol.
4. Added code to paste URL from Clipboard when you click "Add batch downloads" dialog.
5. Enhanced "URL-Sniffer" to capture RTSP link with its Referer page.
6. Added an option "Retrieve the Cookie of the site before downloading via HTTP".
7. Modified that you could customize HTTP header fields.
8. Modified the default value of "Data buffer" to 512K.
9. Fixed a bug for RTSP that incorrectly processing ANNOUNCE method probably made the task download again automatically.
10. Enhanced "Content-Disposition" field.
11. Fixed a bug that program could not resume for RapidShare.
12. Added code to capture magnet URI.
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