作業系統:Windows XP/2000/ME/98
eMule 是一款以 eDonkey2000 為基礎並加以改良的 P2P 下載工具,它保留了eDonkey2000 的優點,但操作介面更簡潔、設定更簡單、下載速度更穩定,檔案搜尋功能也更強大,深受許多網友所喜愛,是目前最多人使用的 P2P 下載工具。由於開放原始碼,使得許多程式設計團隊可以開發出各式各樣功能更強大的 eMule MOD,目前 eMule 官方認可且較為普及的 MOD 有 ZZUL, MorphXT, Pawcio 三種,其中又以 MorphXT 最受使用者肯定及歡迎。(台製的 Eastshare 也是使用 MorphXT 源碼)
8.5 版更新資訊:
FIXED : (minor) ImportParts: make it working when the file is stopped [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) ReadBlockFromFileThread: don't use partfile permanent handle in thread [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) GetAvailablePartCount() by adding us as available part [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) SlugFiller SafeHash code to work arround ed2klink with hashset [SiRoB]
ADDED : Slotlimit like StulleMule [leuk_he]
- not limmited, Where the upload code decides to open more slots as needed.
- a set number 60-255, for high speed uploaders that wants to limit the upload slots manually.
ADDED : Occurate download limiter [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Roll back my nice average calcul system [SiRoB]
REMOVED: Removed SlugFiller Code arround WriteToBuffer [SiRoB]
- there is a bug but i got headache to fix it, maybe something arround gaplist.