HyperCam 是一套專門用來擷取您的操作畫面的程序,包括游標的移動軌跡與音效,然後將它儲存為標準的 AVI 視頻文件讓您播放。很適合用來製作教學課程或演示,您可以輕易地依照平常的操作方式,將步驟一步一步地擷取下來,只需將此 AVI 文件播放,即可觀看。
Changes in HyperCam 2.16.03, 2009.12.15:
* Bug fix - after a fresh install (not an upgrade without uninstalling the older version 2.xx) an incorrect default value for frame rate was set, something like a random number, thousands of frames per second. The program would likely crash with such value for frame rate.
Homepage - http://www.hyperionics.com