All Platforms
+ The “Clutch” web interface is now bundled with Transmission (as a beta)
+ Ability to add and remove tracker addresses
+ Ability to create torrent files with multiple tracker addresses
+ Added support for HTTP/FTP Seeding (GetRight style)
+ Added proxy support for communicating with trackers
+ Allow torrent creation with no tracker address (required by some trackers)
+ New JSON-RPC protocol for clients to interact with the backend
+ transmission-daemon and transmission-remote were rewritten from scratch
+ remote and daemon now support per-file priority & download flag settings
+ Quick Look integration in the main window and inspector’s file tab
+ Transfers can be dragged to different groups
+ Option to only show the add window when manually adding transfers
+ Status strings are toggled from the action button (they are no longer clickable)
+ Colors in pieces bar and pieces box more accurately reflect their corresponding values
+ The port checker now uses our own
+ Turkish localization
+ Add options to inhibit hibernation and to toggle the tray icon
+ Various bug fixes and usability improvements