CuteFTP 的使用介面相當具有親和力,開啟 CuteFTP,會有一個 FTP Site manager(站台管理員)讓你設定一些 FTP 站台的資料,設定好遠端系統的位址,輸入帳號及密碼,往後只要利用滑鼠便可輕易連上遠端的 FTP Server。
連上 FTP Server 後,即進入主畫面,主畫面很清楚的顯示,現在連接站台的資訊。左右兩個資料框中會同時顯示出要上傳及下傳的檔案目錄,並讓你可以方便的使用滑鼠拖曳目錄及檔案已完成上傳或下傳的動作。使用拖曳的方式傳輸檔案,不需繁複的指令。因此非常適合 FTP 的初學者使用。而對於喜歡在網路上尋找檔案的網友,CuteFTP 也可搜尋網路上面的 MP3 或其他指定格式的檔案。
Changes in 8.0.7 June 6th, 2007
Corrected an error which users could receive when running scripts within the application.
Changes in 8.0.6 May 24th, 2007
Corrected issue where the site manager file could get cleared.
Corrected issue where UAC was required to be turned off for both Admin and Standard User accounts on Windows Vista machines.
Corrected issue where CuteFTP was not respecting permissions when installed on Windows Vista. f
Modified contents of Suspect Mode dialog window.
Updated the dates in the Help About and Splash screen.
Corrected issue where Smart Keep Alive could cause the Edit window to lose focus.