Notepad2 is a small and fast editor with syntax highlighting for HTML and other common languages and many other useful features, including drag and drop, regular expression search and replace, brace matching, line numbers, keyboard shortcuts, whitespace display, zooming and more. Notepad2 offers support for Unicode, UTF-8, Unix and Mac text files.
[ Last edited by Portableware on 2009-10-17 at 02:42 PM ]作者: ph19642000 時間: 2009-10-12 10:39 AM Good tool! "直接替換C:\WINDOWS C:\WINDOWS\system32下的同名檔案即可"
Is it necessary to put "notepad2.ini" into these two directory?作者: sry 時間: 2009-11-26 03:55 AM 小巧簡便的文字編輯工具!
感謝 您的分享 !!!作者: franck0702 時間: 2009-11-26 06:02 AM 小巧簡便的文字編輯工具!
感謝 您的分享 !!!作者: siuhung 時間: 2009-11-26 11:01 AM 好用的文字工具,謝謝樓主!作者: homeword 時間: 2009-11-27 04:25 PM 好用 好用 一定要推~~~感謝分享