Changes in v2008 Build 270 September 4, 2008
New features:
- VCL: Delphi 2009 and C++Builder 2009 supported.
- Support for 64 bits Windows EXE and DLL files.
Improved features:
- Qt: Comments are also scanned.
- HTML Help: Building of localized index (.hhk) or content (.hhc) files that were large was very very slow. Now it is fast.
- Column are soted by natural order (str1, str2, str11, str200) not (str1, str11, str2, str200).
- XLIFF: Sisulizer can now localize XLIFF file that does not have original attribute in the file element even this attribute is required by XLIFF specification.
Bug fixed:
- Qt: Duplicate strings caused only one scanned.
- In the Short cuts dialog if you clicked Edit without first selecting a line you got an AV.
- Windows binary: Some version resources were scanned wrongly.
- VCL.NET: Sisulizer could not disable scanning of binary and picture data. Also exisiting binary or picture rows could not be removed.
- Windows: Sisulizer could not export embedded HTML data.
- HTML: If {td}...{/td} was introduced without {tr}...{/tr} Sisulizer gave an AV.