Bubble Ice Age is a snowy puzzle game that will entertain and puzzle your whole family. Launch bubbles into the playfield until three like bubbles are connected. They will drop out taking all attached bubbles with them! As the game goes on, it gets harder to clear the board but it's more rewarding when you do!
「暴力摩托」是一款與眾不同的競速類遊戲,它擁有非常逼真的畫面和音響效果,如疾馳而過的汽車呼嘯聲,摩托車的引擎聲和轉彎時輪胎與地面摩擦而產生的聲音。而且它在遊戲中加入了對抗成份,比賽中你可以使用拳、腳去干擾對方,使其落後於你,是不是很卑鄙啊? 遊戲中千萬不能手下留情,因為對手會主動攻擊你。如果遇到開摩托車的警察,雖然也可以對他踢上一腳,但可得小心點呀,萬一被他們捉住了,那就 GAME OVER 啦!