網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - [系統工具] KMSnano v25.1 Automatic (Win 8 / Office 2013 激活) (英)
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標題: [系統工具] KMSnano v25.1 Automatic (Win 8 / Office 2013 激活) (英) 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 10769
  發文 1112
  註冊 2011-10-20
  狀態 離線
#1  [系統工具] KMSnano v25.1 Automatic (Win 8 / Office 2013 激活) (英)

【軟體語言】:英文  (English)
【檔案大小】:32 MB
【置放空間】:多免空 (依空間分享期限)
【軟體介紹】:(Windows 8 / Office 2013 激活)

KMSnano - a new activator for Windows 8 and Office 2013. KMSnano is unique, as all activation is automatic and is only to run the activator, no further action is required.

After starting the KMSnano automatically activates all products installed Microsoft, whether Windows 8 or Office 2013. If both produksta not activated, KMSnano activates and Windows 8, and immediately Office 2013. In addition to using KMSnano can activate Windows Vista / Windows 7 and Office 2010.

Universal (activates: Vista/7/8 Pro / Enter / N and Office 2010/2013 Retail / VL)
Does not require user intervention (enough to run the activator).
Simultaneous activation immediately and Windows, and Office.

With KMSnano can:
Activate Windows 8 Enterprise
Activate Windows 8 Professional
Activate Microsoft Office 2013
Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2013
Activate Microsoft Office Project 2013
Activate Microsoft Office 2010
Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2010
Activate Microsoft Office Project 2010
Activate Windows 7 Enterprise
Activate Windows 7 Professional
Activate Windows Vista Enterprise
Activate Windows Vista Professional

1. KMSnano.exe run as administrator [Vista/7/8 Pro / Enter / N + Office2013 RT / VL]
2. Wait for the end of operations (extraction, activation).
3. That\'s it! Done.

for each run should take fresh images from the archive (otherwise after one run the server daemon activation will not start)

Activation for 180 days, and it can push for some time.

If you want to activate one product use arguments: noWin, / no2010 and / no2013 arguments KMSELDI.exe and edit Manual_Silent.cmd

KMS will not activate:
Vista Starter / Homebasic / Homepremium / Ultimate
7 Starter / Homebasic / Homepremium / Ultimate
8 core / ProWMC

N and E versions use the same methods, and will not be activated.
Please note that the Pre-Release-version of Office or Windows will never be activated.
TriggerKMS-it is like a planner, when only 30 days before the end of the activation, he pours it back up to 180 days. Instead of 30, you can specify its value)

[Spoiler = If you would have problems:]
To view the log file, check:
% Temp% KmsNano.log

- Requirements:. NET 4.0 or Windows 8.
- Activates Windows Vista/7/8 Pro / Enter / N and Office 2010/2013 Retail / VL.

1. Double-click on KMSnano_Install_v25.1
2. Wait for the files to decompress.
3. Wait for activation process to finish.
4. Done.

To permanent activation:
1. Extract or copy all files in a permanent folder
2. Go to the permanent folder and run the script: RunTrigger.cmd
3. Every five months it will automatic reactivate.

Change Log:
- Fixed reported bugs on v24 with Retail Editions and Skipped Windows.
Date: 2013 Platform: Windows Vista/7/8 Interface: English






[ Last edited by laox on 2013-2-13 at 09:08 AM ]

2013-2-13 09:00 AM
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  積分 1789
  發文 674
  註冊 2006-8-1
  狀態 離線

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