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標題: cliff悬崖 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 164
  發文 6
  註冊 2006-10-28
  來自 上海
  狀態 離線
#1  cliff悬崖

  There is a cliff by the sea. There lived a poet. He faced the sea to write poets on the cliff, but his drafts were blown into the sea. There lived a princess. She stood on the cliff to wait her lover finally she became a stone.
  There is a cliff in our mind. It is a place for us to wait for hope. Everyone is a waiter to wait for chances. Sometimes we may wait for a long time, but chances never come. We must believe chances always come as if a little duck can become a beautiful swan. More time we wait for, More greatly chances are bred.
  There is a cliff in our mind. It is the border of sadness and the limit of happiness. If we can stop, all things will turn better. If we rush out, we will crush utterly. We must realize when to stop and when to start. A man who can control himself can master his fate.
  There is a cliff in the world. All of us are standing on it. Peace makes the cliff become a continent. Wars also can make it form a deep and dark sea. Dying sadly in the sea or living beautifully on the ground is decided by us. The fog of wars hasn’t disappeared. We should always keep sane.
   Cliff is steps which the sea gives us. From the cliff, we can jump into the sea and also climb up from the sea step by step.

[ Last edited by yuyu2005 on 2006-11-3 at 08:30 PM ]

2006-11-3 08:25 PM
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