積分 2852
發文 329
註冊 2008-3-13
狀態 離線
#1 [模擬經營]魔法商店(免安裝正式版)
【遊戲名稱】:Mystic Emporium 魔法商店(免安裝正式版)
【檔案大小】:61.6 MB
Players take on the role of a witch who has saved for years to chase her dream of opening her own magic shop. After finally saving enough money to buy a location, she finds herself in a run-down shop with just a single cauldron, a handful of potion recipes and just a few customers. It's up to the players to take her new magic shop and turn it into something magical! Over time, the shop earns new upgrades, including new potions, magical artifacts and even a pet phoenix! But as the shop improves, more and more customers come shopping and keep the witch, and the players, busier than ever. If players can keep up with the growing demand, they can turn their little magic shop into the best business in town.
System Requirements:
* Windows XP, Vista
* 1000 Mhz
* 512 MB RAM
* DirectX 8
Quote: | 最近megaupload簡稱mu空間,使用ie的網友點連結進去只看到空白頁,那是因為ie的編碼設定問題,現在已找到解決的辦法。
如直接使用Firefox、Opera…等瀏覽器就不會有此問題。 |
Quote: | 【免責聲明】:
如需長期使用請購買正版軟體,如私作為商業用途而觸犯法律違法,皆與本人及論壇無關。 |
[ Last edited by VIN123 on 2009-10-30 at 01:23 AM ]