網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - 失連[系統工具]Revo Uninstaller創新免費卸載工具多國語言
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標題: 失連[系統工具]Revo Uninstaller創新免費卸載工具多國語言 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 84165
  發文 14126
  註冊 2005-8-31
  來自 竹棧
  狀態 離線
#1  失連[系統工具]Revo Uninstaller創新免費卸載工具多國語言



Revo Uninstaller is a much faster and more powerful alternative to "Windows Add or Remove Programs" applet! Revo Uninstaller是更快和功能更強大的替代品“的Windows添加或刪除程序”應用程序!

With its advanced and fast algorithm, Revo Uninstaller analyzes an application's data before uninstall and scans after you uninstall an application. 憑藉其先進和快速算法,革命卸載程序分析應用程序的數據,然後卸載並掃描後,您卸載應用程序。 After the program's regular uninstaller runs, you can remove additional unnecessary files, folders and registry keys that are usually left over on your computer. 在該程序的卸載程序運行正常,您可以刪除額外的不必要的文件,文件夾和註冊表項通常是留下來在您的計算機上。 Even if you have a broken installation, Revo Uninstaller scans for an application's data on your hard disk drives and in the Windows registry and shows all found files, folders and registry keys so you can delete them. 即使你已經崩潰的安裝,卸載程序掃描革命的一個應用程序的數據在您的硬盤和Windows註冊表中,並顯示找到的所有文件,文件夾和註冊表項,您可以刪除它們。

Revo Uninstaller是數字簽名和認證的VeriSign公司簽發的證書與革命組
Updated setup package of Revo Uninstaller – now smaller and faster 更新的安裝包的革命卸載程序-現在更小,速度更快
Updated executable file of Revo Uninstaller – now faster 更新的可執行文件的革命卸載程序-現在快
Improved safety and accuracy of the scanning for leftover items after uninstall 改善安全性和準確性的掃描卸載後遺留的物品
Extended “Exclude” list of the Junk Files Cleaner 擴展的“排除”名單垃圾文件清潔
Fixed crash on loading - when some of the latest CA products are installed 固定車禍載入中-當一些最新的CA產品安裝
Fixed wrong detection of applications in Hunter Mode 固定錯誤檢測應用獵人模式
Fixed minor bugs 固定的小錯誤
Added new languages 增加了新的語言




Revo Uninstaller is completely free - no cost, no adware, no spyware; Revo Uninstaller是完全免費的-沒有成本,沒有廣告,沒有間諜軟件;
You can uninstall programs easily and correctly;您可以輕鬆地卸載程序和正確;
You can uninstall a program and scan after its built-in uninstaller for leftover registry keys, files and folders;您可以卸載程序和掃描後,其內置的卸載程序的剩餘的註冊表項,文件和文件夾;
You can uninstall programs even when their built-in uninstaller is corrupted and cannot be uninstalled;您可以卸載程序,即使其內置的卸載程序已損壞和無法卸載;
You can search as you type for installed programs; The search is much faster than "Windows Add or Remove Programs" control panel applet!您可以搜索您鍵入的安裝的程序;搜索速度遠遠高於“的Windows添加或刪除程序”控制面板小程序!
You can see the list of installed programs much faster than with "Windows Add or Remove Programs" control panel applet!你可以看到已安裝程序列表中速度大大超過了“的Windows添加或刪除程序”控制面板小程序!
You can view a lot of details of the programs installed on your computer and uninstall programs you don't need (for example uninstall programs depending on their size to free disk space);您可以查看了很多細節程序在計算機上安裝和卸載程序就不需要(例如卸載程序取決於它們的大小,可用磁盤空間) ;
You can use an innovative "Hunter mode" to uninstall, kill and delete programs.您可以使用一個創新的“獵人模式”卸載,殺死和刪除程序。 Uninstall unwanted programs just by aiming on their window or icon;卸載有害程序只是為了在窗戶上或圖示;
You can use a "Drag and Drop" mode to uninstall, kill and delete programs;您可以使用“拖放”模式卸載,殺死和刪除程序;
You can view and manage programs loaded on Windows startup;您可以查看和管理程序加載Windows啟動;
You can clean any junk, temporary and unnecessary files from your drives;您可以清除任何垃圾,臨時的和不必要的文件從您的驅動器;
You can have fast access to the most useful built-in Windows tools;您可以快速訪問最有用的內置的Windows工具;
You can erase all your browser history in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Netscape browsers;您可以清除所有您的瀏覽器歷史在Internet Explorer , Firefox , Opera及Netscape瀏覽器;
You can erase the recent document history of Microsoft Office products from version Microsoft Office 2000 till Microsoft Office 2007;您可以消除歷史上最近的一份文件的Microsoft Office產品的版本的Microsoft Office 2000到微軟Office 2007 ;
You can erase most of the important traces you have left behind after working with Windows;您可以擦除最重要的痕跡你工作後留下的Windows ;
You can permanently delete all of your already deleted files so they become completely unrecoverable by any software;您可以永久刪除您的所有已刪除的文件,使它們成為完全無法收回的任何軟件;
You can securely delete any existing file or folder so it becomes unrecoverable by any software;您可以安全地刪除任何現有的文件或文件夾,以便它成為無法收回的任何軟件;
You can use Revo Uninstaller and never have to solve uninstall problems;您可以使用革命卸載程序和從來沒有解決卸載問題

[ Last edited by VIN123 on 2011-5-7 at 10:59 PM ]

2009-3-14 06:19 PM
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  積分 17398
  發文 5052
  註冊 2006-5-13
  來自 高雄
  狀態 離線


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  積分 111
  發文 37
  註冊 2009-2-27
  狀態 離線



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