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  註冊 2006-6-28
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#1  [網路工具] FTPRush v1.0.0626 Final 高性能FTP/FXP用戶端軟體

FTPRush v1.0.0626 Final 高性能FTP/FXP用戶端軟體



  軟體名稱: FTPRush
軟體版本: v1.0.0626 Final
軟體分類: 高性能FTP/FXP用戶端軟體
軟體大小: 6.46 MB
語言界面: 繁體中文
檔案格式: RAR
檔案附件: 免安裝註冊版


  FTPRush是一個運行在微軟Windows平台的高性能FTP/FXP客戶端,您可以使用FTPRush來進行文件上傳下載和服務器對服務器傳輸。 FTPRush支持完全的界面自定義,您可以定製出你喜歡的界面佈局和風格。通過內置的腳本功能您還可以輕鬆地製作自動化任務,現在就試用FTPRush 感受更多的精彩。

    * 操作系統: 微軟 WindowsR 98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP/2003
    * 多窗口界面, 支持多個連接 到FTP服務器
    * 主界面支持自定義和拖放停靠,您可以定制您的主界面成類似 Office 2000/xp/2003 的風格
    * 支持從FTP服務器上上傳下載或者FXP(服務器對服務器傳輸), 類似資源管理器的簡單易用界面並支持拖放.
    * 內建強大的任務管理器,輕鬆安排您的工作.
    * 支持多語言, 內建16個國家的語言包
    * 支持Unicode/UTF-8, 您不再會看到FTP和本地目錄上的亂碼
    * 高效率的磁盤緩存有效地幫助您減少硬盤上文件碎片
    * 支持上傳/下載/列表時的實時壓縮(MODE Z)功能, 為您節約寶貴的帶寬和時間
    * 支持代理服務器類型: Socks4, Socks4A, Socks5, HTTP tunnel等, 您可以添加多個代理服務器並輕鬆地在主界面進行切換
    * 支持SSL 加密連接: AUTH SSL, AUTH TLS, Implicit SSL
    * 下載的時候自動校驗SFV文件列表並生成校驗報告
    * 內建多文件重命名功能, 輕鬆重命名大量文件
    * 目錄監控能在FTP服務器上發現新的文件和目錄的時候及時通知您.
    * 使用FTP目錄緩存功能來加速FTP瀏覽
    * 使用內建的過濾列表和允許列表來傳輸文件, 完美支持通配符和常規表達式.
    * 使用自定義的高亮顏色來顯示文件和目錄
    * 支持服務器認證(IdentD Server).
    * 內建腳本引擎(Pascal script), 您可以編寫腳本響應來自FTP的事件, 並很容易共享您的腳本給好友.
    * 手動下載 FTP的文件, 支持生成自動遞增的文件名列表.

    * 內建FTP命令集,包括 Serv-U/RaidenFTPD/ioFTPD/glftpd
    * 支持在FTP服務器上查找文件,高級文件查找 允許您像查找本地文件一樣方便地查找FTP文件和目錄.
    * 防止被踢 避免因為閒置時間過長而被FTP服務器踢出
    * 如果您想用指定端口下載來達到最大傳輸速度,您可以使用強制主動模式上傳下載(PORT)
    * 測試FTP連接 讓您輕鬆瞭解是否FTP服務器可以連接,這個功能支持同時測試全部的FTP服務器
    * 您可以為經常訪問的FTP目錄或者本地目錄製作書籤
    * 輸出 FTP服務器上的目錄結構(可自定義子目錄深度),並輸出到文本文件
    * 您可以限制上傳/下載的速度
    * 對獨立的FTP服務器設置最大/上傳/下載連接數.
    * 您不再需要更改用戶名為 !用戶名 來踢掉自己在FTP服務器上的死連接,登錄時候簡單的按住 SHIFT 按鍵也能達到同樣的效果
    * 使用加粗和單/雙數行背景色讓您更加容易在FTP服務器上眾多文件中找到您所需要的
    * 支持單個FTP服務器的 多個主機地址和端口

FTPRush is designed to fit any FTP file transfer need. It allows you to quickly transfer files in all directions: from local to server, server to local or server to server. The client supports Normal FTP, Secure FTP (FTPS), SSH FTP (SFTP) and TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol). Also FTPRush takes into account all peculiarities of internet file transfer and management by presenting a great choice of features, creating comfortable working experience.

Skilled users and IT specialists can take advantage of the built-in Script Designer and FTP Command Designer. A few lines of code will help you teach the program to execute lots of routine work automatically. This feature allows you to reach spectacular efficiency in no time. Another advantage of FTPRush is the support of folder synchronization, so it can look after the identity of folders and contained files in upload and download directory. Identification of files that have been modified, added or deleted since the last update will no longer be a problem.

Key features:
* Operating Systems: WindowsR 98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP/2003/VISTA
* Tabbed Interface for smooth control over multiple active connections
* GUI Runtime Customization and Integrated Docking; spice up the look of it all with your own style or favorites such as MS OfficeR 2000/XP/2003
* Drag-And-Drop files via Explorer-like interface
* Built-in Task Manager for you to easily schedule all kinds of jobs.
* Allows to setting listing/downloading/uploading account individually into One site and switch them automatically
* On-The-Fly Compression saves your bandwidth
* Multi-Language support makes FTPRush easily translatable to your native language if it's not already done
* HTTP Proxy, FTP Proxy, Socks 4 & 5 support; create different proxies and switch between them with a simple mouse click
* High performance Disk Buffer to decrease disk fragmentation
* Secure FTP (FTPS) support; protect your data and information through SSL/TLS encryption
* Use SSL FXP to secure tranfers between servers, it supports CPSV and SSCN commands
* SSH FTP (SFTP) support
* TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) support
* Synchronize data
* Built-in Script Engine for you to reap maximum benefits from each one of your transfers; either write your own scripts or choose from an always growing collection
* Automatic SFV Checking and Reporting functionalities
* Multiple-Files Renaming tool saves you time
* Built-in Command Designer for Serv-U/RaidenFTPD/ioFTPD/glftpd; your always one click away from all the basic ftp commands but you can also personnalize them to make everything quicker for you
* FTP Folders Caching speeds your browsing
* Wildcards, Regular Expressions and Skip & Allow Lists tools make sure that you transfer wanted data only
* Search for a file on a server as easily as you would on your own machine with our Advanced File Finder tool
* IdentD Server support
* Unicode/UTF-8 Charset support

More useful features:
* Keep Alive to avoid being disconnected by FTP servers
* Enforce Active-Mode Transfers (PORT) if you can maximize speed through a specified local port
* Test the availability of your FTP servers with one mouse click
* Export recursive directory tree of FTP servers to a text file
* Limit upload/download speeds and save some more of your bandwidth
* Add multiple hosts/ports to one of your FTP server and they will be cycled through on-the-fly
* You have limited account logins? No problem! You can setup Max. Total/Upload/Download logins for each FTP server
* You need to kill a ghost connection? Simply login with the SHIFT key pressed!
* Browsing a directory with too many files and folders can be frustrating? Not anymore! Our Mark as Bold, Odd/Even Row Background Color and Custom File/Directory Color Highlighting tools will make everything clearer








  ...........................   不要偷偷下載而不回覆喔   ..........................  

                                          :em1   :em10

2007-11-14 05:44 PM
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