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  ¿n¤À 7830
  µo¤å 1551
  µù¥U 2009-4-2
  ª¬ºA Â÷½u
#1  [E®Ñ¤À¨É][Âà¶K]µØ¤H³Ì©ö¥Ç¿ùªº30¥y­^»y

1.§Ú«D±`³ßÅw¡CIncorrect: I very like it
Correct: I like it very much.

2. ³o­Ó»ù®æ¹ï§Ú®¼¦X¾Aªº¡C
Incorrect: The price is very suitable for me.
Correct: The price is right.

Note¡Gsuitable(¦X¾Aªº¡B¬Û°tªº)³Ì±`¨£ªº¥Îªk¬O¥H§_©wªº§Î¦¡¥X²{¦b§i¥Ü©Î³qª¾¤W¡A¦p¡G¤U¦C¸`¥Ø¨àµ£¤£©y¡CThe following program is not suitable for children¦b³o²Õ¥y¤l¤¤¥Î«á­±ªº»¡ªk·|§ó¦X¾A¡C
3. §A¬O°µ¤°»ò¤u§@ªº©O¡HIncorrect: What¡¦s your job?
Correct: Are you working at the moment?

Note¡Gwhat¡¦s your job³oºØ»¡ªkÃø¹D¤]¦³¤ò¯f¶Ü¡H¬Oªº¡C¦]¬°¦pªG±zªº½Í¸Üª«¥ó­è­è¥¢·~¡A¦p¦¹ª½±µªº°Ýªk·|Åý¹ï¤è¦³¥¢­±¤l¡A©Ò¥H±z­n°Ý¡G¥Ø«e±z¬O¦b¤W¯Z¶Ü¡HAre you working at the moment?±µ¤U¨Ó±z¤~°Ý¡G¥Ø«e±z¦b­þ¨à¤u§@©O¡HWhere are you working these days?©ÎªÌ±z±q¨Æ­þ­Ó¦æ·~©O¡HWhat line of work are you in?¶¶±a»¡¤@¤U¡A¦^µª³oÃþ°ÝÃD®É¤£§«»¡±o¨ãÅé¤@ÂI¡A¤£­n¥u¬O»¡¸g²z©ÎªÌ¯µ®Ñ
4. ¥Î­^»y«ç»ò»¡¡HIncorrect: How to say?
Correct: How do you say this in English?

Note: How to say¬O¦b¤¤°ê³Ì¬°¥ÆÀݦ¨¨aªº¤¤°ê¦¡­^»y¤§¤@¡A³o¨M¤£¬O¦a¹Dªº­^»y»¡ªk¡C¦P¼Ëªº¥y¤l¦³¡G½Ð°Ý³o­Óµü¦p¦ó«÷¼g¡HHow do you spell that , please?½Ð°Ý³o­Ó³æµü«ç»òŪ¡HHow do you pronounce this word?
5. ©ú¤Ñ§Ú¦³¨Æ±¡­n°µ¡C
Incorrect: I have something to do tomorrow?
Correct: Sorry but I am tied up all day tomorrow.

Note: ¥ÎI have something to do¨Óªí¥Ü±z«Ü¦£¡A³o¤]§¹¥þ¬O¤¤°ê¦¡ªº»¡ªk¡C¦]¬°¨C®É¨C¨è§Ú­Ì³£¦³¨Æ±¡­n°µ¡A½ö¦b¨º¸ÌºÎ¤jı¤]¬O¨Æ±¡¡C©Ò¥H±z¥i¥H»¡§Ú«Ü¦£¡A²æ¤£¶}¨­¡GI¡¦m tied up.ÁÙ¦³¨ä¥Lªº»¡ªk¡G I can¡¦t make it at that time. I¡¦d love to, but I can¡¦t, I have to stay at home.
6. §Ú¨S¦³­^¤å¦W¡CIncorrect: I haven¡¦t English name.
Correct: I don¡¦t have an English name.

Note: ³\¦h¤HÁ¿­^»y¥Ç³o¼Ëªº¿ù»~¡A±q»yªk¨¤«×¨Ó¤ÀªR¡A¥i¯à¬O»yªk¥\©³¤í¯Ê¡A¦]¬°have¦b³o¸Ì¬O¹ê¸q°Êµü¡A¦Ó¨Ã¤£¬O¦b²{¦b§¹¦¨®É¸Ì­±¨º­Ó¨S¦³·N¸qªº§U°Êµü¡C©Ò¥H¡A³o¥y¸Ü¥ÑªÖ©w¥yÅܦ¨§_©w¥y­n¥[§U°Êµü¡C
©ú¥Õ¹D²z¬O¤@¦^¨Æ¡A²ßºD¬O¥t¤@¦^¨Æ¡A½Ð±z¦A»¡´X¸Ü¡G§Ú¨S¦³¿ú¡FI don¡¦t have any money.§Ú¨S¦³¥S§Ì©j©f¡FI don¡¦t have any brothers or sisters.§Ú¨S¦³¨®¡CI don¡¦t have a car.
7. §Ú·Q§Ú¨S¿ìªk¡CIncorrect: I think I can¡¦t.
Correct: I don¡¦t think I can.

Note: ³o¤@²ÕµM¬O­Ó²ßºD°ÝÃD¡A¦b»yªk¤WºÙ¬°§_©w«e¸m¡A³o´N¬Oº~»yùØ­±»¡¡§§Ú·Q§Ú¤£·|¡¨ªº®É­Ô¡A­^»y¸Ì­±Á`¬O»¡¡§§Ú¤£»{¬°§Ú·|¡¨¡C¥H«á±z¦b»¡Ãþ¦üªº­^»y¥y¤lªº®É­Ô¡A¥u­n±z¯d¤ß¡A¤]·|²ßºD­^»yªº»¡ªkªº¡C
8. §Úªº»R¤]¸õ±o¤£¦n¡C
Incorrect: I don¡¦t dance well too.
Correct: I am not a very good dancer either.
(¦³¤j¤j´£¨ì dancer«á­±­n¥[ ¡§ , ¡§ °ò¥»¤W À³¸Ó¨S¥[¨SÃö«Yªº
³o­Ó ¥i¥H¸ò´£¥Xªº¤j¤j°Q½×¤@¤U¶Ü? ³Ìªñ§Ú¦³¾Ç¨ì eitherªº¤@¨Ç¥Îªk
§Ú¦b¥h°Ý¬Ý¬Ý ½T»{¤@¤U)
(¦¹¥y¤£¥Î²K¥[¨§¸¹ ½T©wµL»~)

Note: ·í§Ú­Ì»¡¤£¾Õªø°µ¤°»ò¨Æ±¡ªº®É­Ô¡A­^»y¸Ì­±³q±`¥Înot good at something¡A­^»yªº«äºû¬Æ¦Üª½±µ¿ãÅD¨ì¡G§Ú¤£¬O¤@­Ó¦nªº»RªÌ¡C
9. ²{¦b´XÂIÄÁ¤F¡HIncorrect: What time is it now?
Correct: What time is it, please?
Note: What time is it now³o¬O¤@­Óª½±µ±qº~»y½Ķ¹Lªº¥y¤l¡AÁ¿­^»yªº®É­Ô¨S¦³¥²­n»¡now,¦]¬°±z¤£¥i¯à°Ýwhat time was it yesterday, ©ÎªÌwhat time is it tomorrow?©Ò¥H²Å¦X­^»y²ßºDªº»¡ªk¬O¡G½Ð°Ý²{¦b´XÂI¤F¡HÁÙ¦³¤@ºØ»¡ªk¬O¡GHow are we doing for time?³o¥y¸Ü¦b¦³®É¶¡­­¨îªº®É­Ô¯S§O¦X¾A¡C
10. §Úªº­^»y«ÜÁV¿|¡C
Incorrect: My English is poor.
Correct: I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving.

Note: ¦³¤H¶}ª±¯º»¡¡A¥þ¤¤°ê¤H³Ì¾Õªøªº¤@¥y­^¤å¬O¡GMy English is poor.¹ê¸Ü»¡¡A§Ú±q¨Ó¨S¦³¹J¨ì¤@­Ó¬ü°ê¤H¹ï§Ú»¡¡GMy Chinese is
poor. µL½×¥L­Ìªºº~»y¬O¦n¬OÃa¡A¥L­Ì·|»¡: I am still having a few problem, but I am getting better.
·í±z§i¶D¥~°ê¤H¡A±zªº­^»y«Üpoor¡Aso what(¨º¤S«ç»ò¼Ë©O)¡A¬O­nÅý§O¤H·í³õ¬I±Ëµ¹§Ú­Ì¤@¨Ç­^»y©O¡AÁÙ¬O»¡§Úªº­^»y¤£¦n¡A«¥­Ì¤£½Í¤F§a¡C
§Ú°í«H¡A¥ý¤£½Í§Oªº¡A¦pªG±z²{¦b´N­W¤U¥\¤Ò¡A§â³o¥»Á¡Á¡ªº¡m­^»y54321¡n¦Y³q¦Y³z¡A±zªº­^»y¤ô·Ç¥ß§Y´N·|¨³³tªº´£°ª¡C©Ò¥H±z¦A¤]¤£¥Î»¡¡G§Úªº­^»y«Üpoor. ±z¥i¥H¹ê¨Æ¨D¨Æ¦a»¡¡A§Úªº­^»yÁÙ¤£ºâ¤Q¤À¬y§Q¡A¦ý¦Ü¤Ö§Ú¦b¶i¨B¡C
11. §AÄ@·N°Ñ¥[§Ú­ÌªºParty¶Ü¡HIncorrect: Would you like to join our party on Friday?
Correct: Would you like to come to our party on Friday night?

Note: join©¹©¹¬O«ü°Ñ¥[­Ñ¼Ö³¡©ÎªÌ¨ó·|¡A¦p¡Gjoin a health club; join the Communist Party.¨Æ¹ê¤W¡A±`±`»Pparty·f°tªº°Êµüªºcome ©ÎªÌgo¡C¦pgo to a wild party¡A©ÎªÌcome to a Christmas Party¡C
12. §Ú¨S¦³¸gÅç¡CIncorrect: I have no experience.
Correct:I don¡¦t know much about that.

Note: I have no experience³o¥y¸ÜÅ¥°_¨Ó¥jùØ¥j©Ç¡A¦]¬°±z¥u»Ý­n»¡¡G¨º¤è­±§ÚÀ´±o¤£¦h¡A©ÎªÌ³o¤è­±§Ú¤£¦b¦æ¡A´N¦æ¤F¡CI am not really an expert in this area.
13. §Ú¨S¦³¨kªB¤Í¡CIncorrect: I have no boyfriend.
Correct: I don¡¦t have a boyfriend.
14. ¥Lªº¨­Åé«Ü°·±d¡CIncorrect: His body is healthy.
Correct: He is in good health.¡@Or you can also say: He¡¦s healthy.

15. »ù¿ú«Ü©ù¶Q/«K©y¡CIncorrect: The price is too expensive/cheap.
Correct: The price is too high/ rather low.

16. §Ú­Ì¤U¤F¨®¡C
Incorrect: We got off the car.
Correct: We got out of the car.
17. ¨®³t§Ö¤F¡CIncorrect: The speed of the car is fast.
Correct: The car is speeding. Or ¡§The car is going too fast.¡¨
18. ³o­Ó¬K¸`§A¦^®a¶Ü¡H Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?
¬Oªº¡A§Ú¦^¥h¡COf course! ¡]³o¤@¥y¬O¿ùªº¡^
·íµM¡CSure. / Certainly.¡]³oºØ»¡ªk¬O¥¿½Tªº¡^

Note: ¥H­^»y¬°¥À»yªº¤H¨Ï¥Îof courseªºÀW²v­n¤ñ¤¤°êªº¾Ç¥Í§C±o¦h¡A·í¦^µª¤@¨Ç²³©Ò©Pª¾ªº°ÝÃD®É¤~»¡of course¡C¦]¬°of course«á­±Áô§tªº¤@¥y¸Ü¬O¡§·íµM§Úª¾¹D°Õ¡IÃø¹D§Ú¬O¤@­Ó¶Ì¥Ê¶Ü¡H¡¨¦]¦¹¡Aof course±a¦³¬DÆ]ªº·N¨ý¡C¦b¥æ½Í®É¡A¥Îsure©Îcertainly®ÄªG·|¦n±o¦h¡C¦P®É¡Aof course not¤]¨ã¬DÆ]ªº·N¨ý¡C¥¿±`±¡ªp¤U»y®ð·Å©Mªº»¡ªk¬Ocertainly not.
19. §Úı±o¥k¤â«Ü¯k¡CIncorrect: I feel very painful in my right hand.
Correct: My right hand is very painful. Or ¡§My right hand hurts(aches).¡¨
20. ¥L¬Ý¨ì¦o«ÜÅå³Y¡CIncorrect: He looked at her and felt surprised.
Correct: He looked at her in surprise.
21. §ÚŪ¹L§Aªº¤p»¡¦ý¬O¨S®Æ¨ì§A³o»ò¦~»´¡C
Incorrect: I have read your novels but I didn't think you could be so young.
Correct: After having read your novel, I expected that you would be older.
22. ¦oÁy¬õ¤F¡AÅý§Ú¬Ý¬ï¤F¦oªº¤ß«ä¡C Incorrect: Her red face made me see through her mind.
Correct: Her red face told me what she was thinking.
23. ¬Ý¨ì³o´TµeÅý§Ú·Q¨ì¤F§Úªºµ£¦~®É¥N¡C
Incorrect: The sight of these pictures made me remember my own childhood.
Correct: Seeing these pictures reminded me of my own childhood.
24. §O²z¦o¡CIncorrect: Don't pay attention to her.
Correct: Leave her alone.
25. §Ú¦b¤j¾Ç¸Ì¾Ç¨ì¤F³\¦hª¾ÃÑ¡C Incorrect: I get a lot of knowledge in the university.
Correct: I learned a lot in university.
26. ¤s©i¥¿¦bŪ®Ñ¡C Incorrect: Samuel is reading a book.
Correct: Samuel is reading.
27. exciting / excited¡C exciting¥O¤H¿³¾Äªº;¥O¤H¿E°Êªº
³oÃþªº¥Îµü¤£«ü³o¨â­Ó ¨ä¹êÁÙ¦³«Ü¦h¨ä¥Lªº
Á|­Ó¨Ò¤l: We went to an exciting football game last week.
¦Ü©óexcited «h¤j¦h¥Î¦b ¤Hªº±¡ºü ©Î¬O§Î®e¤@­Ó¤H«Ü°ª¿³
Á|­Ó¨Ò¤l: She was excited to learn the news.
©Î¬O: The excited children were opening their Christmas presents.

28. §Ú¹J¨ì¤F«Ü¦h§xÃø¡C
Incorrect: I am having many difficulties.
Correct: I am having a few problems / lots of problems.
29. ½Ð§ÖÂI¨«¡A§_«h§Ú­Ì·|¿ð¨ìªº¡C
Incorrect: Please hurry to walk or we'll be late.
Correct: Please hurry up or we'll be late.
30. ¦o¥Ñ¶ú§ªÂà¦V¥¢±æ¡C
Incorrect: She was so jealous that she became desperate.
Correct: Jealousy drove her to despair.

26. ¤s©i¥¿¦bŪ®Ñ¡C
Incorrect: Samuel is reading a book.
Correct: Samuel is reading.

Samuel is reading a book¤]¤£¯à»¡¬O¿ù¡A¦]¬°¥L¥i¥H¬Oreading newspaper¡A¦pªG¥u»¡Samuel is reading¤]¥u¥i¥H»¡"¤s©i¥¿¦b¾\Ū"¤£¬O"Ū®Ñ"¡C¨º´N­n¬ÝÁ¿ªÌ¬O§_­nµù©ú¬O"¬Ý®Ñ"¡CSamuel is reading. ¥u¬O¤@­Ó¤j¤è¦Vªº»¡ªk¦Ó¥H¡C

17. ¨®³t§Ö¤F¡C
Incorrect: The speed of the car is fast.
Correct: The car is speeding. Or ¡§The car is going too fast.¡¨

The car is speeding. Or ¡§The car is going too fast.¡¨¥u¯à»¡¦¨"¨®¤l¶W³t or ¨®¤l¤Ó§Ö"¡C¦ý"¨®³t§Ö¤F"´N¬O¥Ñ§Ö¨ì§ó§Öªº·N«ä¡C¦pªG¥Î"The Speed/car is getting faster" ·|¤ñ¸û¦n¡C

2009-4-23 08:53 PM
¬d¬Ý¸ê®Æ  µoµu®ø®§   ½s¿è¤å³¹  ¤Þ¥Î¦^ÂÐ

  ¿n¤À 10834
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ÁÂÁ¤j¤jªº¤À¨É ¡I
thanks a lot..............

2009-4-24 03:23 PM
¬d¬Ý¸ê®Æ  µoµu®ø®§   ½s¿è¤å³¹  ¤Þ¥Î¦^ÂÐ

  ¿n¤À 6290
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Thanks a lot~~

2009-4-26 06:30 AM
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  ¿n¤À 3080
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2009-4-28 07:48 AM
¬d¬Ý¸ê®Æ  µo°e¶l¥ó  µoµu®ø®§   ½s¿è¤å³¹  ¤Þ¥Î¦^ÂÐ

  ¿n¤À 116
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2009-4-28 11:09 AM
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