網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - [系統工具] KMSAuto Pro v2.27 (Win 8 / Office 2013 激活) (英)
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標題: [系統工具] KMSAuto Pro v2.27 (Win 8 / Office 2013 激活) (英) 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 10769
  發文 1112
  註冊 2011-10-20
  狀態 離線
#1  [系統工具] KMSAuto Pro v2.27 (Win 8 / Office 2013 激活) (英)

【軟體名稱】:KMSAuto Pro
【軟體語言】:英文  (English)
【檔案大小】:175 KB
【置放空間】:多免空 (依空間分享期限)

KMSAuto - automatic KMS-activator for VL versions of
• Windows Vista, 7, & 8
• Server 2008, 2008 R2, &2012
• Office 2010 & 2013.

It works without installation and performs activation without leaving any traces in the system. It also removes a folder with its settings from profile and easily lets you change PID.
Based on Microsoft Toolkit 2.4.1 Stable by CODYQX4 (MDL).
PID can be edited inside .ini files located in PIDS folder.
It is also possible to install KMS-activator for automatic rectivation by Software Protection Platforms (once in week).

How to use:
Run KMSAuto.exe.

C) Set KMS-Server address            - Selection submenu of KMS Server address
A) Windows & Office activation submenu - Go to activation submenu
L) Show Windows license status         - Shows Windows license information in console
O) Show Office license status          - Shows Office license information in console
G) Copy license status into file     - Copies license information into dlv_all.txt file
R) Help file                     - Show this file in console
Q) Exit                - Shutdown KMSAuto

Activation submenu commands:

W) Activate Windows                - Activates Windows
O) Activate Office                - Activates Office 2010-2013
K) Set Windows GVLK                    - Set Windows GVLK (for KMS activation)
P) Set custom Office installation path - Enter your own path for Office installation
E) Return to Main Menu WITHOUT shutdown KMS-Server
(Turn on permanent reactivation)
Q) Return to Main Menu and shutdown KMS-Server
(One-time activation)

KMSAuto.exe can be also started from command line with the following keys:
/w, /o, /g         - Correspond to menu commands
KMSAuto.exe /w /o    - Start KMSAuto for single Windows and Office
              activation and exit the program
You can create shortcut to KMSAuto.exe with keys, set Minimazed window, and place
it into Startup folder to reactivating on each Windows start.
If for any reason activation fails, change KMS-Server address and try again.
Sometimes it is required to add KMSES.exe to Antivirus exclusions in order to
let the program work properly!!!

Change Log:
+ Modified work from start command line with keys.

(使用說明.影片) (YouTube)
Activacion de Windows 8 y Office 2013 con KMSAuto Portable v2.0





[ Last edited by laox on 2013-6-5 at 02:51 AM ]

2013-6-4 09:33 PM
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