網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - [磁碟工具]COMSS Boot USB 2017-09 徹底拯救中毒死機的電腦
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標題: [磁碟工具]COMSS Boot USB 2017-09 徹底拯救中毒死機的電腦 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 100000
  發文 10010
  註冊 2017-6-11
  狀態 離線
#1  [磁碟工具]COMSS Boot USB 2017-09 徹底拯救中毒死機的電腦

【檔案名稱】:COMSS Boot USB 2017-09

COMSS BootUSB 是 COMSS製作的可啟動USB/救援光碟,它包含12個防毒急救開機碟,用於測試和清除電腦和筆記型電腦上的病毒。此外,還有用於檢查RAM和硬碟以及用於處理磁碟分割的工具。

    Antivirus utilities:
        Antivirus Live CD 23.0-0.99.2 – console antivirus scanner ClamAV (requires an Internet connection to download the virus database).
        AVG Rescue CD (2016-04-20) – AVG antivirus scanner with file manager, Registry Editor, TrueCrypt, FixMBR, TestDisk. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
        Avira Rescue System (2016-09-16) – Ubuntu OS with Avira anti-virus scanner, file manager, web browser, Gparted, RegEdit. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
        Comodo Rescue Disk (2013-04-16) – Linux OS with an antivirus scanner Comodo, file manager and web browser. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
        Dr.Web LiveDisk (2017-09-01) – Linux OS with Dr.Web anti-virus scanner, file manager and web browser. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
        ESET SysRescue 5 – Linux OS with an ESET SysRescue 5 antivirus scanner (English version), file manager, web browser, Gparted. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
        ESET SysRescue 4 – Linux OS with ESET SysRescue 4 anti-virus scanner (Russian version), file manager, web browser. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
        F-Secure Rescue CD (2014-09-01) – antivirus scanner F-Secure. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
        Kaspersky Rescue Disk (2017-09-05) – Linux OS with Kaspersky Anti-Virus scanner, file manager, web browser, RegEdit. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
        Norton Bootable Recovery Tool (2017-07-25) – Linux OS with Norton antivirus scanner, file manager and web browser. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
        Tencent Rescue Disk (2017-05-17) – Linux OS with Tencent anti-virus scanner, file manager, web browser, RegEdit, FixMBR.
        Vba32 Rescue (2017-09-06) – the console-based anti-virus scanner Vba32.
        Windows Defender Offline (2017-09-04) – antivirus scanner Windows Defender Offline. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.

    System Utilities:
        Offline NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 Password Changer – reset passwords for Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 operating systems.
        memtest86 + 5.01 – RAM check for errors.
        Victoria 3.52s – check the hard drive for errors.
        GParted live 0.29.0-1-i686 – work with hard disk partitions (creation, modification, deletion).






2017-9-17 06:46 PM
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  積分 2954
  發文 1362
  註冊 2014-9-16
  狀態 離線


2017-9-17 09:44 PM
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