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標題: [資訊] 加拿大雙人座位三輪小跑車 上一主題 | 下一主題
  [url=http://img247.images ...

  積分 1471
  發文 158
  註冊 2006-7-11
  來自 台北縣
  狀態 離線
#1  [資訊] 加拿大雙人座位三輪小跑車



Those asymmetrically inclined Canadians who build the T-Rex trike are offering their creation to Londoners this week. They're hoping to win over Brits to their lightning-quick Kawasaki-powered trike, which they say can hit 60 mph in 3.3 seconds. The three-wheeler is powered by a 187-hp 1400 cc bike engine, inserted into a tubular chassis frame, with a carbon-fiber body dropped overhead. We'd imagine the lil' bugger will go over big in certain circles, like among the suicidal idle rich.

Spurred by the revelation of VW's GX3 at the Los Angeles Auto Show earlier today, reader Mark writes in to point out that "VW have simply built themselves an ugly T-Rex with a weaker engine." We're not totally sold on the GX3's looks, but we can't say we're in love with the appearance of the T-Rex by any stretch of the imagination. We're not sure of the engine's origin; we do know that it's not a Hayabusa mill, however, as it's 100cc's shy of the monster bike's displacement. Still, 0-60 in 4.6 seconds? We'll go for the ride.


[ Last edited by 強強 on 2006-12-10 at 05:55 PM ]

2006-9-20 09:11 PM
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