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註冊 2014-3-21
狀態 離線
#1 新加坡馬來西亞文萊衛星導航地圖Garmin Sing/Mal/Bruni 2016.40-快樂試用版
適 用 區 域:Singapore/Malaysia/Bruni
地 圖 版 本:快樂版
Map ID:
版 本 語 言:英文
適 用 機 型: Garmin Devices,PC,PPCnuvi 2系列 / 2×5W系列 / 3系列 / 510 / 6系列 / 760 / 765 / 13系列 / 14系列/ 1690 / 24×5系列 / 25×5系列 / 3790T / 5000系列、GMXT、zumo 550
檔 案 大 小:
存 放 空 間:
檔 案 格 式:
Requirements: Any mobile device running GMXT, PC running GMPC, Nuvi and most other Garmin devices.
Overview: Navigate Singapore and Malaysia with confidence. City Navigator Singapore/Malaysia NT provides detailed street maps and points of interest for your device, so you can navigate with exact, turn-by-turn directions to any address or intersection. Route to restaurants, gas stations, lodging, attractions and more. Coverage includes major metropolitan areas as well as major and intertown roads in Singapore and Malaysia (including East Malaysia).
City Navigator Singapore/Malaysia NT 2016.40 HERE FID-4461 (2.04GB)
链接:City Navigator Singapore/Malaysia NT 2016.40 HERE FID-4461 (2.04GB) 密码:p0a8
DriveSmart 50LM nuvi2567LM(UNLocked)(591MB)
Nuvi55LM nuvi57LM(UNLocked)(496MB)
FourSquare- (NuviCam Nuvi57LM DriveSmart50LM)(36.7MB)
City Navigator Singapore/Malaysia NT 2016.20 HERE FID: 4206
nuvi 4592 , nuvi 3592 , NuviCam(914MB)
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bp3EHMR 密码:7meu
nuvi 57 , nuvi 55 (479MB)
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bo4ezG7 密码:1vqc
nuvi 52 (471MB)
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mhYooBm 密码:wfeh
nuvi 50 , nuvi 40 (435MB)
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jI8QgkQ 密码:whpx
nuvi 65 (820MB)
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o7V2sX0 密码:68az
nuvi 2567 (574MB)
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1F7HEK 密码:ldvc
Foursquare - (NuviCam and Nuvi 57) (18.43MB)
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1skBd1m9 密码:un51
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVnPvfT 密码:z29w
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1skJkWrj 密码:xwvk
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[ Last edited by temp.last on 2016-12-18 at 03:13 PM ]