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標題: 失連[學習工具]Borland Turbo C++ v4.5 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 9780
  發文 386
  註冊 2005-12-15
  狀態 離線
#1  失連[學習工具]Borland Turbo C++ v4.5

Borland C++ 4.5 for DOS, Windows, and Win32.

The first choice for creating first-class applications.

In one award-winning Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Borland C++ 4.5 gives you everything you need to visually

create high-performance ANSI C and C++ 16- and 32-bit applications for DOS*, Windows, and Windows NT, while being ready for

Windows 95. A single Windows-hosted IDE includes innovative development tools including AppExpert, ClassExpert, a BRIEF (r)-

based editor, a multi-target Project Manager, VBX support, and more for developing 16- and 32-bit applications.

Borland C++ 4.5 is the fast track to OLE 2.0. Borland's innovative Object Components Framework (OCF) lets you transform your

Windows applications into members of the Microsoft Office and other industry-leading suites and applications.

For database-intensive applications, you need new Borland C++ and Database Tools, combining the power of Borland C++ 4.5, the

world-standard in C++, and the Borland (r) database Engine 2.0, the world's most powerful database engine. Borland C++ and

database Tools gives you everything you need to create first-class local, networked, and client/server applications for


How To Install
In the directroty Turbo C++ v4.5 go to install.exe
Don't click setup.
It Will Ask For Registration, Cancel It!
Enjoy! Full Version !!


[ Last edited by VIN123 on 2014-1-9 at 09:59 AM ]

2010-12-6 03:42 PM
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