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標題: [影音素材] Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series - Volumes 1 to 5($295US) 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 2526
  發文 269
  註冊 2006-6-28
  來自 花巷草弄12號
  狀態 離線
#1  [影音素材] Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series - Volumes 1 to 5($295US)

軟體名稱:Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series - Volumes 1 to 5($295US)


軟體大小:Total 2.29 GB (2,468,419,298 位元組),28 個檔案



注意事項: 歡迎轉貼盜連


The Sony Pictures Sound Effects Pack is five volumes of sound effects and dynamic audio design, tailor-made to elevate your productions to the content quality standards of the Hollywood entertainment industry. For the first time, Sony Pictures Entertainment is opening its vaults to make a massive archive of audio material available to producers everywhere.

From rollercoasters, room tones and rocket launchers, to biplanes, Bengal tigers, and bar room brawls, this debut release includes a wide range of essential sound effects categories, distributed generously across five volumes packed full of exciting, exclusive material. With over 1,200 high-quality effects in various lengths and styles, you're sure to find just the sounds you're looking for. And there's much more to come, with future volumes highlighting all areas of the silver screen, including science fiction, comedy, action, and more. The Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series will provide you with everything you need to select, layer and transform even the most elemental effects into expertly crafted sound design creations to compliment all your projects. With the ongoing support of one of the world's largest and most successful studios, the possibilities are endless.


* Volume 1 -

"Animals / Natural elements" - farm critters and house pets, to jungle cats and reptiles, this disc pairs a variety of animal sounds with rich elemental effects like wind, fire, water, and earth movement.

* Volume 2 -

"Backgrounds" - Indoor or outdoor, loud or soft, up close or far away, these long-format files provide the backbone ambiances that will hold your scenes together. No collection is complete without them.

* Volume 3 -

"Home & Office / Impacts / Weapons & Explosions" - this arsenal of sound effects will accent any situation, from the battlefield to the office. Choose from over 400 effects, ranging from automatic weapons and massive explosions, to everyday household appliances.

* Volume 4 -

"Vintage Comedy / Sports & Recreation / Vocals & Wallas" - this essential volume contains an anthology of comedic music and Foley, a touch of sports, and an assortment of single and group vocals, to create equal parts flavor and humor.

* Volume 5 -

"Vehicles" - enjoy a wide assortment of sounds generated by a variety of vehicles, from fighter jets and helicopters, to 18-wheelers, muscle cars, motorcycles, and trains. Also included are crash effects and various door and key movements.

Sony Media Software is dedicated to enriching the work of media content creators at every tier of the industry. Our Loops and Samples broke all barriers to become the industry leader, providing indispensable tools that are currently enjoyed by music producers worldwide. Now, our celebrated music creation libraries are joined by the Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series, in our continuing efforts to provide media content creators everywhere with the most comprehensive collection of audio assets available anywhere.

The Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series — five volumes of sound effects in 16 bit 44.1 K wav file format and dynamic audio design, tailor-made to elevate your productions to the content quality standards of the Hollywood entertainment industry. For the first time, Sony Pictures Entertainment is opening its vaults to make a massive archive of audio material available to producers everywhere.

From rollercoasters, room tones and rocket launchers, to biplanes, Bengal tigers, and bar room brawls, this debut release includes a wide range of essential sound effect categories, distributed generously across five volumes packed full of exciting, exclusive material - all provided in wav file format. With 1,200 high-quality effects in various lengths and styles, you're sure to find just the sounds you're looking for.

The Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series will provide you with everything you need to select, layer and transform even the most elemental effects into expertly crafted sound design creations to compliment all your projects. With the ongoing support of one of the world's largest and most successful studios, the possibilities are endless.

SONY 01: Animals & Natural Elements
SONY 02: Backgrounds
SONY 03: Home & Office, Impacts, Weapons & Explosions
SONY 04: Vintage Comedy, Sports & Recreation, Vocals & Wallas
SONY 05: Vehicle


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2007-6-25 10:38 AM
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  積分 36
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  註冊 2007-6-18
  狀態 離線


2007-6-25 10:43 AM
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  積分 1136
  發文 340
  註冊 2006-7-4
  狀態 離線


2007-6-30 08:16 PM
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  積分 1166
  發文 209
  註冊 2006-4-3
  來自 台灣
  狀態 在線


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