網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - [硬體工具]Windows 2K.XP.2K3.Vista.7 歷代系統驅動合集 (RAR@2.89GB@多空間)
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標題: [硬體工具]Windows 2K.XP.2K3.Vista.7 歷代系統驅動合集 (RAR@2.89GB@多空間) 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 5736
  發文 518
  註冊 2011-4-12
  狀態 離線
#1  [硬體工具]Windows 2K.XP.2K3.Vista.7 歷代系統驅動合集 (RAR@2.89GB@多空間)

【檔案名稱】:DriverPacks for Windows 2000.XP.2003.Vista.7 歷代系統驅動合集 [更新至28.08.2011]
【上傳空間】:Wupload/Easy Share/Filesonic/FreakShare

DriverPacks for Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 (08/28/2011) is a collection of drivers, the program is complete and tointegrate them with that in the distribution of Windows. Last updated drivers - 20August 2011. It is not Necessary to integrate in drayverpaki These thedistribution of Windows, you can also put the driver manually after the installation of Windows.


1) The properties of thedevice Do you want to install the driver in the device instance ID searchtext DEV_ **** (instead of 4 stars - 4 digits or letters).
2) Lookfor (eg searching in total commander) drayverpakov DEV_ contents of text files, *. inf, **** (4 stars instead of - your 4 numbers or letters).
3) The search result will show you which folder / folders are Likely toneed ustroystva.esli drivers for this device instance ID in the search for what else you can ****, notext DEV_ thisstroki.Esli the text of a note it turns out, can be intuitively poperebirat severalputatively a particular folder, folder names begin with the same letter, which begins the name of the manufacturer of the device.
Informationabout the devices may for example give the program, it is more convenient to store hwinfo32.na myopinion These as-a ZIP or RAR archives drayverpaki on a FlashDrive as well as the total ovarian commanderies cansearch inside ZIP and RAR, and 7Z in there.

Windows 2000-XP-2003 (x86) DriverPacks

dp bluetooth wnt5 x86-32910
dp wnt5 chipset x86-32 in 1108 (new)
dp wnt5 x86-32 cpu 1005
dp graphics a wnt5 x86-32 1107
dp wnt5 x86 graphics b-32 1107
dp wnt5 x86 graphics c-32 1107
dp graphics languages ​​<<wnt5 x86-32, 1107
dp wnt5 PhysX graphics x86-32 1107
dp hid wnt5 x86-32 1105
dp man wnt5 x86-32 1101
dp wnt5 risk of man-x86-32, 1011
dp wnt5 MassStorage x86-32 in 1108 (new)
dp misc wnt5 x86-32 in 1108 (new)
dp modem wnt5 x86-32 1101
monitor dp wnt5 x86-32 1005
dp runtimes wnt5 x86-32 1107
dp sound a wnt5 x86-32 in 1108 (new)
sound, b dp wnt5 x86-32 in 1108 (new)
dp tv wnt5 x86-32 1005
dp webcam wnt5 x86-32 1107
dp wnt5 wlan x86-32 1101

vista windows-7 (x86) DriverPacks

dp audio wnt6-x86-1104
dp cablemodem wnt6-x86-1001
dp cardreaders wnt6-x86-11 041
dp-x86 chipset wnt6 11 051
dp gaming wnt6-x86-1001
dp graphics a wnt6-x86-1106
b wnt6 x86 graphics dp-1106
dp wnt6-x86-1106 mobile graphics
dp man wnt6-x86-11 042
DP MassStorage wnt6-x86-11 051
dp misc wnt6-x86-11 051
dp modem wnt6-x86-1001
dp monitors wnt6-x86-1001
dp wnt6 touchpad mouse-x86-1107
dp tvcard wnt6-x86-1001
dp wnt6-x86-1103 webcam
dp wnt6 wlan-x86-1104

vista windows-7 (x64) DriverPacks

cardreaders x64-911
dp audio wnt6-x64-1104
dp cardreaders wnt6-x64-11 041
dp chipset wnt6-x64-11 051
dp graphics a wnt6-x64-1106
dp graphics b wnt6-x64-1106
dp mobile graphics wnt6-x64-1106
dp man wnt6-x64-11 042
DP MassStorage wnt6-x64-11 051
dp misc wnt6-x64-11 051
dp wnt6 touchpad mouse-x64-1107
dp wnt6-x64-1103 webcam
dp wnt6 wlan-x64-1104
812 gaming x64
911 x64-misc
x64-911 monitors

On file:
Enabling | reg code: not required
Language: Türkçe, Russian
File format:. Rar
Platform / OS: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7

Size: 2.89 GB

http://www.wupload.com/file/1329 ... 7_08Aug11.part1.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/1329 ... 7_08Aug11.part2.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/1329 ... 7_08Aug11.part3.rar

Easy Share:
http://www.easy-share.com/191783 ... 7_08Aug11.part1.rar
http://www.easy-share.com/191783 ... 7_08Aug11.part2.rar
http://www.easy-share.com/191783 ... 7_08Aug11.part3.rar

http://www.filesonic.com/file/18 ... 7_08Aug11.part1.rar
http://www.filesonic.com/file/18 ... 7_08Aug11.part2.rar
http://www.filesonic.com/file/18 ... 7_08Aug11.part3.rar

http://freakshare.com/files/irvr ... ug11.part1.rar.html
http://freakshare.com/files/3an0 ... ug11.part2.rar.html
http://freakshare.com/files/kva5 ... ug11.part3.rar.html
JDownloader載點 || JDownloader後備載點

[更新]WinRAR 4.0.1 Pro 32bit&64bit
4.0.1載點 || 4.0.1後備載點
7zip 免安裝版
7zip載點 || 7zip後備載點


2011-9-2 10:37 PM
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  積分 2517
  發文 180
  註冊 2005-9-28
  狀態 離線

感謝您的提供,謝謝分享, 好用的東西一定要推!

2011-9-3 11:47 AM
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  積分 953
  發文 94
  註冊 2006-4-12
  來自 taiwan
  狀態 離線


2011-10-10 06:33 PM
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  積分 212
  發文 89
  註冊 2007-3-15
  狀態 離線
#4  888


2011-10-11 07:19 PM
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  積分 92741
  發文 2747
  註冊 2006-1-1
  來自 taipei
  狀態 離線


http://freakshare.com/files/irvr ... ug11.part1.rar.html
http://freakshare.com/files/3an0 ... ug11.part2.rar.html
http://freakshare.com/files/kva5 ... ug11.part3.rar.html

2011-10-11 07:43 PM
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