網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - (載點失連)[硬體工具] Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2.34 快速清理磁盤碎片
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標題: (載點失連)[硬體工具] Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2.34 快速清理磁盤碎片 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 39282
  發文 3512
  註冊 2008-8-20
  狀態 離線
#1  (載點失連)[硬體工具] Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2.34 快速清理磁盤碎片

【軟體名稱】:Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2.34 快速清理磁盤碎片_多語系
【檔案大小】:9.29 MB
Ashampoo Magic Defrag為一款磁碟優化軟體,能夠快速的清理磁碟碎片。主要特點有:後台自動整理硬碟;當其他程序需要占用處理器或訪問硬碟時自動暫停磁碟整理;切換到暫停模式只需花費一秒時間;支持壓縮檔案的整理;不需要預先分析-可以立即開始磁碟整理;等等。

New features:
• Fragmentation Protection: Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 uses advanced new software technology to prevent disk fragmentation. You no longer have to worry about defragmenting your disks because the program keeps them defragmented for you. It’s that simple.
• Powerful new algorithm: The new defragmentation algorithm introduced in this version is much more efficient and powerful. It uses intelligent analysis to achieve significantly better results in significantly less time.
• Dynamic graphical display: If you want to watch the program in action you can turn on a dynamic drive map display that shows the fragmentation of your disk and how Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 is doing its work.
• No-configuration operation: Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 is even easier to use than its predecessor. There is nothing to configure. Just install it and forget it – and forget about problems with fragmented disks as well.
• Windows Vista™ compatible: Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 is ready for Windows Vista™ today. You can install it now, safe in the knowledge that it will continue to work when you upgrade to Windows Vista™ next year.

Other cool features:
Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 also has all the features that have made the original Magical Defrag program so popular:
• Automatic defragmentation: Automatically defragments your hard disks whenever your computer is idle.
• No interference with other programs: Automatically stops whenever you start using the computer, or when any other program starts working.
• Install it and forget it: You no longer need to worry about defragmenting your hard disks. Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 takes care of everything for you.
• Statistics: If you want you can display complete statistics on current defragmentation status.
• Multi-user support: Once you have set it up Ashampoo Magical Defrag will also work in ordinary user accounts without administrator rights. It even works when no users are logged in!

Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 runs on Windows® 2000, XP, 2003 Server and Windows Vista™.
Homepage - http://www.ashampoo.com

http://rapidshare.com/files/1583 ... cal_Defrag_2.34.rar



[ Last edited by c099959 on 2011-5-7 at 09:34 PM ]

2008-10-29 10:13 AM
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2008-10-29 10:44 AM
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  積分 17398
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  註冊 2006-5-13
  來自 高雄
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  積分 112
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  註冊 2008-7-14
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