網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - 失連[防毒防駭]SpywareBlaster 4.4 系統防護軟體
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標題: 失連[防毒防駭]SpywareBlaster 4.4 系統防護軟體 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 7733
  發文 677
  註冊 2005-12-24
  狀態 離線
#1  失連[防毒防駭]SpywareBlaster 4.4 系統防護軟體

【軟體大小】:3.04 MB

SpywareBlaster 「預防」間諜軟體安裝到你的電腦中,使間諜軟體無法發揮作用,並不會影響瀏覽器的運作,不需要常駐執行。你有遇過網頁問你要不要安裝一些奇怪的 ActiveX 程式(通常在跳出式的廣告視窗中),這些程式大概有 99.99% 的機會是不懷好意的間諜軟體。

SpywareBlaster 這個程式能「預防」間諜軟體安裝到你的電腦中,他並不會執行任何「掃瞄」或「移除」的動作,也就是說,SpywareBlaster 並不需要常駐執行,只要你記得定時執行程式,線上更新間諜軟體資料就可以了!它會在間諜軟體的 ActiveX 控制項中設定,使間諜軟體無法發揮作用,同時,它並不會影響瀏覽器的運作喔!

SpywareBlaster 同時會讓間諜軟體在 IE 瀏覽器中設定的 cookie,或是為追蹤你的行為而設定的 cookie 無法作用;如果你不幸已經遭間諜軟體入侵,SpywareBlaster 也可以讓這些程式無法執行喔∼。

SpywareBlaster provides additional functionality in its "Tools" section. A short description of each of the Tools can be found below:
• Browser Pages: This displays many of the "browser pages" on your system (for example, your homepage, various search pages, etc.) and provides the functionality to change any of them. Pages are displayed for both Internet Explorer and Mozilla.
• Hosts Safe: The Hosts Safe can store encrypted backup copies or snapshots of the Hosts file. These backup copies are stored in the SpywareBlaster folder. Should you ever need to restore a backup copy of your hosts file, simply select it from the displayed list and press the "Restore Saved Backup" button.
• Misc. Internet Explorer Settings: Here you can edit a few Internet Explorer settings that are not readily available through any built-in interface in IE.
• Flash Killer: Macromedia Flash can be used to display animated interfaces on websites, animations, and other "Flash" content. Unfortunately, advertisers have begun to use Flash as a method for creating annoying and distracting content. And some users that wish to keep Flash off of their computers altogether have found it troublesome to prevent every website that uses Flash from installing it. Flash Killer can set the kill bit for the Macromedia Flash control (versions 4.x, 5.x, or 6.x) - preventing the installation completely and disabling it if it is already installed. Reversing this procedure is easy.
• Custom Blocking: Create your own list of ActiveX controls that you want to block. Add search engine toolbars, browser plug-ins, and more - block any ActiveX control you want. You can even download Custom Blocking lists other people have created. (Warning: Please be careful when using a Custom Blocking list someone else has created. Only consider using a Custom Blocking list if you trust the person that created it.)


[ Last edited by VIN123 on 2011-5-6 at 08:00 PM ]

2010-9-4 12:38 AM
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