網際論壇 - 系統工具程式 - (載點失連)[系統工具] Everest Ultimate Edition v5.00.1692 Beta_綠色版
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標題: (載點失連)[系統工具] Everest Ultimate Edition v5.00.1692 Beta_綠色版 上一主題 | 下一主題

  積分 39282
  發文 3512
  註冊 2008-8-20
  狀態 離線
#1  (載點失連)[系統工具] Everest Ultimate Edition v5.00.1692 Beta_綠色版

【軟體名稱】:Everest Ultimate Edition v5.00.1692 Beta_綠色版
【檔案大小】:9.63 MB
Everest ultimate是一個測試軟硬體系統訊息的工具,它可以詳細的顯示出PC每一個方面的訊息。支持上千種(3400+)主板,支持上百種(360+)顯卡,支持對並口/串口/USB這些PNP設備的檢測,支持對各式各樣的處理器的偵測。目前Everest Home已經能支持包括中文在內的30種語言,讓你輕鬆使用。而且經過幾次大的更新,現在的Everest已經具備了一定的硬件測試能力,讓您對自己電腦的性能多些認識。(原名AIDA32)

What's New
New features in EVEREST version 5.00

Upgrade to the latest version of EVEREST to own the most accurate and powerful system diagnostics solution by getting up-to-date hardware information databases, support for the latest graphics processors and motherboard chipsets.

    * Improved Hardware Monitoring module with Alerting feature
    * Support for Intel Core i7, Intel Atom and AMD Phenom II processors
    * Support for OpenGL 3.0 with OpenGL version compliancy test
    * Support for Windows 7 and a new auto-load feature under Windows Vista
    * Extended audio information: OpenAL and High Definition Audio pages
    * New information page for installed Windows Vista Sidebar Gadgets
    * GPGPU devices information for ATI Stream and nVIDIA CUDA
Homepage: - http://www.lavalys.com/products/ ... p;ps=UE&lang=en

Everest Ultimate Edition v5.00.1692 Beta_綠色版

Everest Ultimate Edition v5.00.1692 Beta_綠色版

[ Last edited by c099959 on 2011-5-7 at 10:23 PM ]

2009-3-26 05:33 PM
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