積分 847
發文 82
註冊 2008-4-10 來自 taipei
狀態 離線
#1 [笑話]福粥伯教英文囉
朋友您好(freand you good)
為了您好(stomach your good)
請您坐好(down down please)
用心聽好(carry heart listen)
不是有錢(rich man rich man)
就一定好(good good good)
心好行好(heart good and do good)
命能改好(life can informal to kill)
錢多錢少(money ????????????)
夠吃就好(enough eat very good)
人美人醜(beautiful and augly )
順眼就好(chicken eye is good)
人老人少(people old and less)
健康就好(body good is good)
家富家貧(house father and house poor)
和氣就好(the escape of gas from the good)
老公晚歸(husband is late)
有回就好(come on baby!!)
老婆捞叨(wife is tiger)
顧家就好(in house is good)
孩子從小(child small........)
就要教好(teacher is good)
博士也好(i love DR.)
賣菜也好(vegetable love i)
長大以後(gpow up the hair)
"乖乖"就好( a bag 5 dollars)
房屋大小(big and small house)
能住就好(frank and open is good)
名不名牌(lacoste and chanel)
能穿就好(copy is good)
兩輪四輪( 2 o and 4 o)
老闆不好(sir is face augly)
要忍就好(earplug is good)
一切煩惱(everybody sick)
能解就好(cheat is good)
堅持執著(i want i want)
放下就好(down and down)
人的一生(life of the police)
誰是誰非(who is who not)
天知就好(god is annoyed)
修福修慧(god love you!)
來世更好(handson and beautiful)
說這麼多(talk and talk)
明白就好(understand is good)
天地萬物(animal very more)
隨緣就好(casual is good)
很多事情(nameplate very more)
看開就好(smile is good)
您好我好(you good I good)
世界更好(we are the 渥~)